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They were about to kiss when Kate's phone went off.
Kate and Kevin backed up so Kate could answer her phone.
She looked to see that it was Yareli calling her.
Kate rolled her eyes and then turned to look at Kevin.
Kate: "I am so sorry."
Kevin: "No you're okay, who was it.?"
Kate: "It was Yareli but I'm sure it's nothing important."
Kevin: "oh okay."
Then it became really awkward. They didn't know that them almost kissing would cause this awkwardness.
Kate: "Umm do you wanna keep walking.?"
Kevin: "Yeah."

With that Kevin and Kate kept walking. They talked like normal, they didn't feel awkward anymore. They talked and talked, what felt like minutes turned into hours. Yareli called Kate so many times but she was having to much fun that she couldn't answer Yareli.

It was now 9 pm.
-With Yareli and Esme-
Yareli was calling Kate so many times but Kate still would not answer.
Yareli: "What if he kidnapped her.?! For all we know he is just a random guy who plays soccer with Diego and Edson.!"
Esme: "Yareli calm down, I'm sure she's fine. And Kevin seems good for her, Edson said he is a good guy who is very respectful."
Yareli: "You never know.! Edson could be lying to you.!"
Esme: "Yareli he is not lying to me." She said rolling her eyes.
Yareli: "Nunca sabes.!"
Esme: "Ay yareli calmate.! She's fine.! You're acting like if you were her mom.!"
Yareli: "Well I just wanna make sure she's safe.!"
Esme: "Estas loca." She rolled her eyes and walked away to go call Edson like she usually does.

-Back with Kevin and Kate-
Their whole night was filled with laughter. Kevin and Kate felt safe with each other, and it's rare to feel like that with someone you just met. But Kate felt like that towards Kevin and Kevin felt that towards Kate.
Kate: "Well we should get going, Yareli called me a bunch of times she's probably wondering where I am."
Kevin: "Wow you have such caring friends."
Kate: "Yeah I'm very lucky to have them." She said smiling.
Kevin smiled too, he loved Kate's smile. He could admire Kate for hours if it were up to him.
Kevin: "Okay let's get going."

Kevin stuck his hand out so Kate could grab it, and she hesitated at first but then she grabbed his hand. And there they were. Walking hand in hand. What they didn't know was that there was paparazzi around taking pictures of them holding hands.
Once again Kevin opened the door for Kate. That's something Kate loved about Kevin. He was such a gentleman.
The ride home was peaceful, they continued to talk and talk. Once they got to Kate's house they said bye to each other.

Kate: "Thank you Kevin." She smiled.
Kevin: "Anytime." Smiling at her as well.
Kate hesitated to hug him but finally she did, Kevin was shocked at first but then hugged her back. They pulled away.
Kate: "Thank you seriously Kevin. For everything, you're helping me with this fake dating thing and getting people off my back."
Kevin: "Of course, even though we know each other for a bit I'd help you out whenever you'd like."
Hearing those words made Kate smile.
Kate: "Okay well I'll text you tomorrow."
Kevin: "Okay." He smiled.
Kevin: "Try not to miss me that much." He smirked.
Kate laughed.
Kate: "Yup ima definitely miss you." She said sarcastically.
They laughed.
Kate: "Bye."
Kevin: "Bye."
And with that Kevin got into his car and drove off, Kate went inside of her house and she found Yareli on the couch watching a movie. Once Yareli heard the door open she looked to see who it was she quickly grabbed the remote and paused the movie.
Kate: "Sorry i never answered you but I was having to much fun that I didn't want to." She said looking guilty.
Kate: "Wait where's esme.?"
Yareli: "She's probably having phone sex with her novio."
Kate laughed at her response.
Esme: "te escuché eh." She said walking towards them.
They laughed and they sat down on the couch,
Kate: "Muy bien, it was really fun. We went out to eat and then he took me to the park."
Esme and Yareli: "ouu."
Kate: "And we also almost uhh."
Yareli: "OUUU."
Kate: "Yeah but we didn't because SOMEONE called me and interrupted." She said looking at Yareli.
Esme looked at Yareli.
Yareli: "Ay bueno lo siento." She said shrugging her shoulders.
Esme: "Ay te digo mensa, they could've kissed.!!"
Yareli: "Ay perdon." She said.
Kate: "It's fine."
Then Esme got a text and as she looked at her phone she saw a message from Edson and her eyes went wide."
Esme: "Uh Kate.?"
Kate: "Yeah.?"
Esme: "You might wanna look at what's going on, on the internet right now."
Confused, Kate grabbed her phone and went on the internet. She found pictures of her and Kevin holding hands. She was really confused. How did people find them.? She went to the comments and there was people saying 'noo my bae kevin had a gf now.' Or 'she better get away from my man' , 'he's to pretty for her.' And so on.
Kate: "WHAT THE FU-."
-With Kevin-
Kevin was laying down on his bed with he saw what was going on, on the internet. He was really mad that they were meddling in his business, one thing about Kevin is that he HATED paparazzi and the internet. He hated them because they had the power to twist words around and make people look bad. Just then he got a call from Edson.
Edson: "Wey, ya viste lo que esta en el internet.?!"
Kevin: "Si ya lo vi."
Edson: "Y que vas a ser.?"
Kevin: "no lo se."
Edson: "Pues arreglalo rápido porque ahorita  hablé con Esme y me dijo que Kate está furiosa."
Kevin: "Si ahorita lo arreglo."
They hung up.
Kevin first wanted to apologize to Kate because he felt bad she had to also deal with this now.

'I'm really sorry about this, I didn't know there was paparazzi around. But you think now is a good time to tell people we are "dating.?" ' was what he wrote.
'No not yet, we still need to wait.' Kate responded.
'Okay' he responded back.
-With Kate-
Kate: "Ughh.! How could this happen.!"
Esme: "Kate hes famous. And obviously paparazzi are gonna take pictures if they see a famous person."
Kate rolled her eyes, then she got a message.
She looked at it and it was none other than Ethan.
Cliffhanger + Ethan making a return 😧.?!? Short chapter 😓, but I had to post something. Cause I said I was gonna post like 2 days ago n tha never happened 😭. Also THANK YOU SMM FOR 1.12K READSS OMGG ILYSMM🫶🏼.!! Ima try to update as much as a i can but school makes it hard 😓. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or errors. But yeah thank you sm to the people tha vote and comment.! 
1202 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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