S05E24 Grave Danger Pt One

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A/N: Updated irregularly and as I get inspiration.

CSI Season 05, Episode 24

– Grave Danger, Part One

That night, I was tired as Nick and I entered the Las Vegas Police Station to clock in for our shift. We had gotten home around 9 AM, and I had to go to the doctors at 5. Thankfully, my doctor was understanding of the hours Nick and I worked, so she was always willing to fit me in at the end of the day. But due to that appointment, I didn't get to sleep until around 7 or 8 like normal.

"You sure you're okay?" Nick asked, as he held open the glass doors. I smiled up at my husband and nodded.

"I'm fine," I promised Nick, squeezing his hand as we walked through the corridors, punching in using the time cards. "I'll be able to get some extra sleep this weekend."

"Alright," Nick didn't sound so convinced. I rolled my eyes at his protectiveness.

"I'm going to put my purse in Gil's office. I'll be back," Nick bent down to press a kiss to my lips and then we parted ways. I would usually just leave my purse in the locker area, but there were times that I needed it, and it was too far away or would take too long to retrieve it.

Thankfully, Nick usually always had his wallet on him, but if I ever needed my own purse, it was just easier. Usually either Gil or Catherine let me stash it in the bottom drawer of their desks. Gil was in the office with Sara, so I just threw it in the bottom drawer, not wanting to interrupt their moment. On my way out, I ran into a harried looking Catherine.

"Hey, Catherine?" I called and she looked over at me. "Can I ask you for some advice?"

"Sure thing, Aria. But can it wait until after the shift?" She asked. Catherine wanted to listen, but there was a lot going on tonight. I nodded my head, understanding as I looked at the number of tickets in her hand.

"Definitely," I gave her a smile before wandering down the corridors of the Crime Lab. Gil and Sara were 'flirting' in his office. When I passed the breakroom I saw Greg and David Hodges playing a boardgame. Hodges was trying to teach him the rules of whatever game they were playing.

"But when you are on the highway, you get to roll two dice, which makes you go faster," Hodges dropped the dice onto the board. I rolled my eyes and walked away. I definitely had no desire to be pulled into whatever game they were playing. Greg would pout if I said no and then I would end up being sucked into the game.

As I continued down the hallway, I nodded to Ecklie. He was being harassed by Archie who was following behind him. Ecklie was on the way to pick up his messages.

"If it means that much to you, pay your own way. Show a little dedication to your discipline," Ecklie advised Archie and I smirked, shaking my head. I passed by the both of them. I figured that the only people that I was going to be able to talk to, would be Warrick and Nick. Where one was, the other was surely close.

With a sigh, I walked into the locker room where, sure enough both of the men were by their lockers. I rolled my eyes, dragging my feet towards them.

"Aria!" Warrick called out as he noticed me. Nick was sitting on the bench, getting ready for the night. Warrick was standing in a black tank top. I sighed and sank onto the bench, leaning against Nick's side as he put bullets in his clip.

"Hey," I nodded, blinking my eyes, as I relaxed for a few moments. "How was your weekend?"

"So I took my girl to that Ultimate Fight Championship on Saturday night," Warrick said, and I nodded. He grabbed his overshirt and put it on.

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