CSI Season 06, Episode 01 - Bodies in Motion

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CSI Season 06, Episode 01

- Bodies in Motion

I was discharged from the hospital first, but Nick was discharged two days later. Nick and I had told his parents that Gil gave us a mandatory 2 week break from the crime lab. They were ecstatic, particularly when we said that we wanted to spend some time in Texas. His parents had a guest house on their property, close to the house, but removed for privacy. They were gracious enough to let us use it while we were down in Texas.

Nick and I had a wonderful time. He was able to spend time with his parents, go fishing with his Dad. Nick and I took a few trail rides together. I also managed to convince Nick to take a day down to the coast, like when we went for our honeymoon. It was a relaxing time for all of us.

I had to tell Jill about the pregnancy, two days after we had to leave Texas and return to Vegas. She found me vomiting in the kitchen sink while Bill and Nick went out for some time together. Jill didn't say anything, just directed me to sit at the table, before cloroxing the sink.

"Does Nick know?" She asked, putting on the kettle for tea. I shook my head.

"I had just found out about 5 hours before he was kidnapped," I told Jill. "I haven't found a way to tell him yet."

"If you need help, don't hesitate," Jill smiled. "Now when I was pregnant, I kept a bottle of ginger ale and a sleeve of crackers on the nightstand. That helped with the worst of the nausea."

"Do you think Nick will be happy?" I questioned her, taking the mug of hot water and a tea bag. She frowned.

"Of course," Jill sank down into the seat across from me with her own cup of tea. "What's bothering you?"

"It's just – Nick is still unsettled," I admitted, running my fingers along the rim of the mug. "I know its only been a few days since it happened, but I don't want to add more stress onto Nick. He can't sleep properly; I find him sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee whenever I wake up."

"It will take time," Jill put a hand on mine. "But Nick is a tough boy. Maybe telling him about the pregnancy will be what he needs."

"I hope so," I mused, sipping the tea. Once we were finished in the kitchen, I decided it was time to go horseback riding. I wanted to get in a last couple of rides before we had to return to Vegas.

I went to the barn and grabbed the lead line. Then I went to the pasture and whistled. All of a sudden, a beautiful, paint horse came running towards the fence. The paint stopped by the fence, sticking its head overtop to nudge at my hands.

"Clover!" I exclaimed, petting the horses' muzzle. "I missed you, boy."

I never missed a chance to go horseback riding when we were at the ranch. Nick always joked that I made a better rider than he did. I loved being able to take the horse out for a ride whenever I had a free moment. Nick loved being back at the ranch, but he wasn't horse obsessed like I was. That's why Bill Stokes had purchased Clover, just for me. I had found the horse at an auction and couldn't bear to leave him there.

Once I had Clover's halter hooked to the lead, I brought him into the barn to get brushed. Then I tacked him up. When I was finished, I walked Clover out of the barn and mounted him. The Stokes' had numerous trails across their property for horseback riding. I was going to take advantage of that and disappear into the wilderness for a bit.

"Have a good ride?" Nick asked, startling me as I walked into the barn, hours later.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people," I scolded him. Nick laughed as he stood from his slouched position against the barn wall. He walked over and helped me take off the tack. Once we were finished removing the tack, Nick helped me clean his hooves, and brush down the horse until Clover was gleaming.

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