CSI Season 03 Episode 04 ---- A Little Murder

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That night the crime lab was definitely busy. Grissom was rushing around – he was handing out assignments. Nick squeezed my hand underneath the table as Grissom pulled out the major issues.

"I've got two 419's. . .One at a hotel, another one at a home," Grissom stated. "These are going to require multiple CSI's at each location. Catherine, Warrick, Aria – you get the home invasion. Nick, Sara – you two are with me."

"Sounds good," I nodded. Nick seemed disappointed, but he got up.

"I'm drivin'!" He called after Sara who just laughed.

"I don't think you are driving," I raised an eyebrow at my boyfriend who rolled his eyes.

"Be careful, alright?" Nick drawled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Always am!" I called after him. "He worries too much!" I complained to Catherine who laughed.

"He's worried about you," Catherine shrugged. "It's sweet and totally Nick."

"Yeah, but he's the one that's been attacked in his own home. Held at gunpoint. What else happened to Nick so far?" I said, as I followed Catherine out of the breakroom to the locker room. "Nothing has happened to me!"

"Since all of that has happened to Nick, he just knows how dangerous this job can be," Catherine patted my arm as we separated to grab our kits and jackets. I sighed, knowing that she was right. I followed her to the car, Warrick driving on his own.

"You ready?" Catherine asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I was born ready," I laughed. Catherine took off in the SUV to the location of the home invasion turned murder. When we got out of the Tahoe, Catherine pocketed her keys. I had a hand on the CSI kit and we walked up the driveway.

"My favorite CSI. I was hoping you'd get the call out," a tall detective stopped Catherine. I rolled my eyes at his obvious flirting.

"Look who's back in town? So, what happened, Drew?" Catherine flirted back with the detective, making me raise an eyebrow. Usually Catherine didn't show such blatant interest in anyone. Some fun flirting, yes, but it seemed like these two actually had some chemistry. "You didn't like ... Idaho? Is that it?"

"I'm going to start processing," I interrupted, not wanting to be privy to their flirting session. Catherine nodded her head and I walked up the steps and into the home.

"Hello," I greeted the young officer who looked positively green. He was standing in the foyer, practically gagging on his own tongue. "I'm CSI Aria Winchester."

"Akers," he spit out, swallowing his saliva.

"Did you clear the whole house?" I asked, putting on my gloves to not contaminate the scene.

"Just finishing," he choked. I took some pity on him, walking over to the dead body on the floor. Catherine walked in at that moment.

"Willows," she introduced herself to the man. He gave her his last name once more.

"Akers told me that he's cleared the whole house, Cath," I advised the senior CSI who nodded.

"Did you start photographing the scene yet?" Catherine stood beside me. I shook my head, showing her the camera in my hand. We looked down at the dead body. The victim was lying face-up on the living room floor. There was a pool of excrement and blood surrounding the body. Catherine took the camera and began to take photos. I could hear the sounds of Akers sighing in the background. Catherine's phone rang, I looked at the screen to see Warrick's name.

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