CSI Season 05, Episode 25 -Grave Danger Part Two

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CSI Season 05, Episode 25
-Grave Danger Part Two

We were all sitting outside of the drop location. My hands were shaking with nerves. Brass had tried to argue that I couldn't be here, but Catherine had said something to him. Brass relented.

I could see that everyone was giving me pitying looks. But I needed to be here. If this guy gave up Nick's location, I needed to be one of the first faces he saw. Plus, I also needed to see his face. To hear his voice, know that he was alive.

Grissom had let us know via radio that he was going into the building. I wanted to get out of the car and run to the building. Shake that man and demand that he tell us where my husband was located. Where had he stashed my husband? But I didn't. Partially because Catherine had locked the backdoor, but also because I didn't want to jeopardize the case.

Catherine was trying to make small talk, but I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying. My eyes were trained on the building. All of a sudden, a loud explosion could be heard. The radio erupted in chaos as everyone started to approach this location. No one could hear Gil's answer. My heart sunk, thinking that we had lost two CSI over the course of 12 hours.

We all rushed to the scene, EMT's, police, CSI's. Everyone needed to make sure that Gil was okay. When we got there, Gil was standing in the doorway of the building, looking dazed.

"Oh my god," I whispered looking at the man that was my supervisor. Glass was everywhere, and Gil was covered in blood. I assumed not his own, as he didn't appear to be hurt. As we got out of the cars, all the CSI's got ready by putting on their jumpsuit and then putting on the shoe covers.

I walked over to where Gil was standing. I knew I wasn't allowed to assist in processing the scene due to the conflict of interest. So I went to my supervisor to show support. I don't think Gil even realized that I was by his side until after the EMT prodded him a few times.

"Pupils are even," the EMT announced.

"He blew himself up and left us with nothing," Gil said to me.

"Sir, are you experiencing any ringing in your ears?" Gil barely noticed the EMT's question. I just shrugged, looking over at the entrance of the building. I saw Brass walking outside, on his phone.

I had no choice but to sit with Grissom while the rest of the CSI's did their walkthrough and collected some evidence. It was apparent that no one knew who this suicide bomber was, or why he had taken one of the CSI's hostage. Now he was dead – so where was my husband? I sat in the hot sun for several hours, until Warrick and Sara stepped out of the building.

"You still here?" Warrick asked, pulling me out of my daydream.

"I couldn't go anywhere," I told Warrick who sighed.

"I'm going back to the lab with Sara," he announced. "Come with us."

Once Warrick had given the evidence to Sara for processing and distribution, Warrick grabbed a cup of coffee. Then we went to the A/V Lab where Archie was still sitting at the computer.

"How's he doing?" Warrick asked, talking about Nick. The loop was still live – which was a good thing, I guess. Warrick and I sat down next to Archie.

"Hard to say," Archie shrugged, frown on his face. "About the same, I guess."

I looked up at the monitor. Nick was still in the box, moving his head from side to side. I sighed. That must be miserable, stuck in a box in the Nevada heat.

"I'm gonna get some coffee," Archie stated, getting up from his seat.

"Yeah," Warrick took a sip of coffee and set his cup down as Archie left the room. I was busy trying to study the box. Try to figure out where my husband was located. There had to be some type of clue.

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