CSI Season 6 Episode 5 - Gum Drops

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Season 6 Episode 5

As I reached the twenty-fourth week of my pregnancy, I felt immense joy and wonder at the life growing inside me. I couldn't help but marvel at the sight of my stomach, now the size of a cantaloupe, protruding from my body. It was clear to anyone who saw me that I was expecting, and I felt a sense of pride and excitement at the prospect of becoming a mother.

Despite my initial hesitation, I eventually bought a pair of maternity pants. As I slipped them on, I couldn't help but groan with relief at the comfort they provided. No longer did the fabric pinch my waist, but instead stretched to accommodate my growing belly.

"Finally," I sighed, walking into the kitchen. Nick, my husband, was already at the stove, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he looked up at me. "I told you those pants would be a game-changer," he teased.

I couldn't resist the playful banter and rolled my eyes, sticking my tongue out at him before setting the table and pouring fresh orange juice into two glasses. As I added a container of fresh, juicy berries to the spread, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these small moments of joy with my husband.

As Nick served breakfast, the aroma of fluffy scrambled eggs and crispy hash brown potatoes filled the air. I reached for two containers of yogurt, and the coolness of the plastic was a refreshing contrast to the food's warmth. "Bon Appetit!" Nick exclaimed, and we both began to eat.

With each bite, I felt a sense of love and appreciation for my husband grow. "This is incredible!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my praise. "You've seasoned the hash browns to perfection." Nick blushed, his eyes sparkling with delight as he shoveled food into his mouth.

After breakfast, I went to the kitchen sink to clean up. Nick tried to protest, but I raised an eyebrow, silently daring him to argue with me. Eventually, he left to get ready for work, leaving me to wash the dishes, put away leftovers, and wipe down the counters, table, and stove. A simple division of labor made us both feel appreciated and valued in our partnership.

As I finished my task, I could hear the sound of water running in the bathroom. Nick had already showered, dressed and was now sitting in the living room, waiting for me. The room was filled with the scent of his cologne. The light from the window was just enough to illuminate the room softly, creating a cozy ambiance.

I hurriedly went to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and applying a light layer of foundation and a little lipstick. The bathroom was chilly, and my skin tingled as the cold air hit it. I then went to the closet, where I found the shoes that Jill had sent me. They looked like ordinary shoes from the outside, but the insides were cushiony and soft and felt like walking on clouds. The shoes provided the extra support I needed and reduced the leg cramps I usually experienced.

Once I had put on the shoes, I made my way to the living room, where Nick was sitting on the couch, holding a small lunch box. The box was decorated with a cute heart-shaped sticker. The doctor suggested that I take pre-made snacks throughout the day, which were healthier than the usual donuts in the breakroom.

"Are you ready?" I asked Nick, who looked up and nodded.

"Baby, I made your snacks," he said with a smile, holding up the lunch box. I leaned in and gave him a grateful kiss for his thoughtfulness.

We stepped out into the darkening night, and the chilly breeze made me shiver. The streetlights illuminated the way, casting long shadows on the pavement. Although the schedule was confusing at first, I had grown to love the night shift. The silence was calming and serene, and the city was beautiful at night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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