chapter 5

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Lumine pov

These days my brother Aether, has been acting weird like staying up until the sunrise and even skipping meals. which is so very unlike him,I would sometimes even see him smiling at his phone with a faint blush, but if I try confront him he'd just gaslight me saying I'm imagining things and that I should go mind my own business. I wonder if something happened?

"AETHER!!" I screamed pulling my brother out of his bed by his feet

"Ugh...what the fuck are you doing?.." aether said looking up at me glaring

"That's what you get for not waking up when I tried waking you up like a normal person" I said with furrowed brows and my arms cross, looking down to return his glare

"get your ass ready its Monday, Aka the day of hell" I said and walked out of his room and slammed his door shut

I could hear cussing and groaning in his room and a lot of ruckus too. It's basically a confirmation that he's actually getting ready and not slacking off

____on the couch sipping coffee___

My eyes was met by my brother, who had a sour face and messed up hair. Goodness why did he even keep his hair long if he can't even brush the damn tangles out. And he was also dramatically going down the stairs to show me that he's irritated

I rolled my eyes "oh my archons stop the theatrics and just come here" this was our daily routine on school days, he'd dramatically go down the stairs to show me that he's not bothering to do his hair and that I should do it.

I saw him grin and happily walk towards me and sat on the floor in front of me

"At this point if you don't wanna take care of your long ass hair you should just cut it. Fucking male Rapunzel" I said in an annoyed tone while gently brushing his hair from bottom to top

"I would have cutted it long ago if not for mother's wishes" he replied as he takes a bite out of his bread

"Just admit that you don't want to see mommy cry, cause you know full well she'll cry if you ever think about cutting your long ass hair" I say with a smug smile

"What? Like the way mommy cried for 3days 3nights when you cut your hair. No way, she kept crying beside you too and I didn't get a wink of sleep because of that" he replied sounding happy about reminiscing the past

"Mommy was fr devastated at my actions. Still I don't know why but I found it funny how she cried that long over my hair, even though it'll grow back" smiling, as I finish combing his hair

Third person pov

"what hairstyle do you want? I feel generous today so you decide" -lumi

"Ehh...erm.....isn't the usual braid fine?" Aether said as he chew on his food

"But thatssss so boring" Lumine groaned dramatically
"I should just style your hair as pigtails at this point" -lumine

"Let's not, I already look enough like a girl, I ain't trying to get male suitors" -Aether

"True true" lumine smiled agreeing

"I think ponytails a safe choice" -aether

"Then let's go with that" lumine said as he starts putting aether's hair in a single ponytail

Lumine pov

Its currently 7:40am, I checked my watch as me and my brother walked side by side to school

At 7:53 we arrived at the school gates and parted ways.

"Lumineeeee!!!!" a familiar voice shouted and started running towards me then hugged me

"Good morning to you too venti" I said with a soft smile and hugged venti back before pulling away

"So soooo~ I saw you coming with another blonde girl at the gate. Who was that? Hmm~ is she your girlfriend?~~" venti said wiggling his eyebrows but on the other hand all I could feel was disgust

"Ewww noooo. That was my brother Aether, he just had a different hairstyle today, ewww venti why would you say thattttt" I said in disgust

Venti's eyes widen and started laughing "what the- REALLY?? BAHAHAHAHA I totally thought your brother was a GIRLLLL"

we laughed for a good minute before heading to class

______lunch time_____

"Lumineeeee let's eat together hehe" venti said to me as he sat down across my table

"Sure" I replied with a smile and opened my bag to take my lunch, only to see that I forgot to give aether his lunch.

My smile dropped and I let out a sign and took out both lunches, leaving venti confuse, as for why I had two lunches.

"ooooooooh?~~ is that for me hehe" venti said with a bright smile

Chuckling, I shook my head "I'm sorry venti, but unfortunately it's not yours. It's my twin brother's lunch" I said with an awkward smile as I got up from my sit

"Wanna come along with me?, Let's deliver my brother's lunch together" I offered with a smile on my face

" ofcourseee " venti happily agreed and got off his seat as well

me and venti began walking towards my brother's class. As we reach aether's class, I saw two people sitting on the back and corner of the class by the window.

I stopped in my tracks and put my hand on venti's mouth whom was about to shout as a greeting. "Shhhh."

ofcourse, I knew who one of the person was, It was my brother, Aether. But who was he with?

I watch my brother happily talk with the boy beside him, who was eating almond tofu

I raised an eyebrow, confused. Aether was talking cussing and behaving normally, he's not using his angel persona which he always use at school... And what surprised me even more was that, the other male beside my brother was sharing his food with my brother... normally Aether would refuse sharing the same spoon cause, 'it's unhygienic' he said

"Hello???mmmmMmm.... Teyvat to lumineeeee" venti said taking my hand off his mouth stopping my train of thoughts

"Oh right sorry..." I smiled awkwardly at venti, who now has a confused expression

"On second thought...why don't I give you the lunch box instead?" Smiling as I say this to venti

He tilted his head "why? I mean I'm happy to be able to accept your offer but whyyy?" venti said confused

"I think aether's not hungry" I said with a chuckle and led me and venti out of aether's classroom frame

"Eeehhh??? How can you be so sure?? You two didn't even talkkkk" venti said with a pouty

"I just know, now quit asking questions" I said putting my arm on his shoulder as we walk down the halls

Im 90% sure, that whoever that person was beside my brother... Is the reason why aether has been acting weird. And I have this gut feeling that it's more that just friends...but the only problem is my brother's straight.....or is he?

Ptff- I knew it. Straight my ass

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