chapter one

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𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱, 𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻, 𝘀𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘂𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗲


the sky was painted in watercolor-like vibrancies, with fluffy clouds decorating the picturesque scenery.

it was beautiful- fantasy-like even for such scene to exist in a world where everyone was slowly dying to their own mistakes. as if an angel has blessed this god-forsaken world of theirs.

however, such scene matter less to a certain person- an eighteen-year-old college student who's currently struggling to get by in life despite having such a privileged family.

y/n l/n was no short of a model student and child. the epitome of perfection that every parent wished they had. a student and a daughter that everyone praised to become.

a vessel of what her parents could've become.

from scholarships to music awards, to even forcing her body to bend in ways it shouldn't have just to dance- everything was said to be a 'must' in order to be the most perfect human there is that walked the earth.

though, one shouldn't be fooled by their little act of a 'perfect family'- behind their loving and affectionate gazes to one another, lies the reality of a pitiful girl going up against her perfectionist of a mother, and a demon of a father.

no mistakes.

no imperfections.

there must be no stain in their own white lie.

the world is unforgiving, even to angels who just want to spread their wings and grace mortality with a spectacle never before seen.

if the cat has managed to corner the mouse- in desperation, the mouse will fight back.

'a man who has nothing is powerful- and a man who's desperate is dangerous' isn't that right, fyodor?

the story of the perfect y/n ended in a tragedy- a gruesome case that authorities didn't want to handle.

"just in, the famous tycoon, f/n l/n, and his wife, were found massacred by none other than their own daughter."

it was a bloody scene- her s/c skin was covered in callouses, now tainted in a deep red as her hands gripped the golden trophy- dented and bloodied. in front of her lay her parents, bodies mangled to perfection... the perfect crime for a perfect girl.

in the end, the cops weren't able to arrest her as she took her own life in the same room.

her wish for freedom was granted. and now, she can finally rest in peace and not worry about having to put up against her sorry excuse of a family.

... if only that was easy.


"where am i...?" confusion ran through her veins as she looked around the rather vintage-like room. the walls were creme-colored, and the ceiling was dome-shaped- it felt as if she was transported back in time to the 1800s.

has heaven always looked this way? she wouldn't know of course, since this was her first time dying.

did someone manage to save her and take her to this facility for questioning? no, that can't be right, this room feels like a regular room compared to a containment facility.

then, where was she?

suddenly, as if some terrestrial being has heard her, the door opened, and in came two adults- a man and a woman, both clad in rather old-fashioned clothing and sporting an aura of elegance and obvious wealth.

they seem to be worried for her, clambering to her side like leaches and bombarded her with questions.

"you've finally woken up my dear!"

"you used a lot of energy, why don't you rest for another hour?"

it seems as if these two are close to her and know her on a personal level, however, she doesn't know them for them to act this way.

y/n decided to sit up, only to be welcomed with a throbbing pain on her head which forced her to lay back down with a groan. this made the other two in the room guide her instantly, taking more pillows and placing it on the back of her head to elevate her from the bed.

"what happened?" at this angle, she can finally see the two beside her with clarity.

the man donned in a rather expensive suit and fluffy looking lilac hair offered her a glass of water. he looked like he was in his mid-thirties- probably a businessman if he can afford such a lavish lifestyle, and a pathetic look of distress clouded his dark eyes.

"you overused your ability this morning."

to her right, the woman who was wearing an outfit as lavish as the man, had her brows furrowed in a mix of worry and frustration. this one seemed a tad bit younger than him- with flowy blond tresses that was put in a neat bun, and smile lines that adorned her features.

"what did i tell you about using that ability for useless things? you could've been put in a coma! you know that ability of yours is energy consuming."

ability? what are they talking about? the only ability that she's aware that she has is the ability of ignorance and being a great pretender.

just as she was about to speak, her head, despite laying down, throbbed a hundredfold, sending her rolling on her side as her hands clenched the sides of her head to try and soothe the pain.

it felt as if someone was pouring lava straight on top of her.

suddenly, memories of the past flooded in- memories that she knows aren't hers.

whoever owns them must've lived in constant fear and pressure, something that was all to familiar to her.

the recollection of constant orders, of being forced to write a book- a memory of something that y/n deems to be unrealistic.

there, at the back of her head, was a memory where she- no, where someone has written a pathetic sentence; 'and as if by magic, [redacted] was healed from his wounds'. and like magic, the book shined, and that was the end of the recent memory that she has.

'what the fuck is going on?'

her immediate silence brought the adults into a state of panic, holding her up as they bombarded her with questions.

"- you alright?!"

"ophelia! answer us!"

she was brought back to reality, brows furrowed in confusion as reality sets in and she's back to the room that they're in. y/n doesn't know who the hell they're calling for, but as if by clockwork, her body automatically responded to that name.

sudden realization plagued her, eyes widened in both confusion and shock as she crawled her way out of bed, and in front of the vanity that adorned a rather large mirror.

'the hell?'

in front of her, was another person.

her once, [hair type] hair was now in light waves, the h/c that everyone loved was now in a shade of lilac- her eyes that mirrored her late parents now grey. in fact- everything about her has changed.

and just like that, her world turned black once more.

❝𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐒❞  ✘ bungou stray dogsWhere stories live. Discover now