chapter three

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𝗱𝗲𝘂𝘀 𝗲𝘅 𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗮

"i really really hate your face, just in case you forgot."

"hey now, is that how you welcome your co-worker after months of not being around."

nakahara chuuya had to stop himself from blasting the damned girl out of the building– breathing labored as he strained his own will in front of her.

"months? you've been gone for a year you damned psycho." the title made ophelia chuckle, eyes wrinkling in delight at the obvious distaste and hatred that the orange-haired man was directing at her.

it's no new news that the two of them has some sort of dispute– chuuya having high levels of distrust towards her, and ophelia merely breathing.

"who are you calling a psycho, you damned alcoholic?"

"that's it!"

both port mafia executives are on their way towards mori's office, having to discuss their next actions with the lilac-haired girl being the main mastermind of this operation. it has taken the other members of the organization in shock that almost all of their major missions, she has been one of the leading personnel hiding in the shadows.

none knew her name nor her abilities– she was just like the annoying candy-loving investigator from the detective agency. it's like she can discern the truth just by looking at the situation, which is a lie of course.

y/n– now taking the role of ophelia rather seriously– did not see the need to use her ability for fights that was a must for the characters in this world for development. it wasn't that life threatening either, and would rather just use her abilities in situations where the world's peace is relying on, which is now.

only mori knew her ability of infinity, having to go against her face-to-face in their first encounter. other than that, the rest has been a mystery. even the great nakahara chuuya has had a hard time trying to see through her– even harder than trying to figure out dazai himself, and that says a lot.

their dispute was cut short when they both found themselves in front of the great oak doors, ophelia taking the first move and swinging it open without regards. it seems as if they're the only ones there, with mori waiting for them with a rather stoic look on his face.

"it's been a while, old man."

"who are you calling old man?" a breathy chuckle left the mans lips, eyes wrinkling in delight at the sight of the organization's backbone since she first arrived.

truth be told, but mori didn't trust her, even after agreeing to co-operate with the young woman. her words were merely unbelievable, unless one were to have the ability to tell the future– which he knows she does not have. he wanted to disregard her words, and make her work under him instead as his guard dog, seeing as she's a force that cannot be toppled over even with rashoumon.

still, something in him had fate in her words. a little voice that was begging him to trust her and just be patient.

so, patience was what led him to seeing the full potential of ophelia lombardi.

for the past two years, not much has happened– and her prophecy is as good as a dead bark by now. however, just as she predicted, two years later, the armed detective agency managed to recruit a boy who possess the ability of the weretiger.

and as if this were a game of dominoes that she had been laying on for the last two years, everything started going the way as she predicted.

now, they're facing what she would call, the greatest doom that yokohama has ever seen.

❝𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐒❞  ✘ bungou stray dogsWhere stories live. Discover now