Three's a crowd

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Today started off the same. I just woke up in a sticky mess, got dressed, had breakfast, and walked to school with Tadano. When we got to class, I saw Komi was reading a novel when she perked up and saw me entering the classroom. She got up and gave me a welcoming hug. I returned the favor and kissed her.

Najimi arrived a while later and gave me a hickey as a way of saying hi. Yamai was just staring at me from across the classroom. When she saw me looking at her she looked away with a red hue in her face. Strange. Yamai sure is weird. Class was as normal as any day. Just taking notes and listening to the teacher.

Lunch came by and I settled in for a simple PB&J. Komi was eating some bento and Tadano well...I don't know what he was eating. Najimi was resting her head on my shoulder but looked to be deep in  thought about something.

Y/N: Everything okay sweetie?

Najimi: Hm? Oh! I'm alright babe. I'm just....feeling kind of....thirsty....

Her voice trails off as he looks at Komi. She looks at Najimi who is just staring a her.

Najimi: Go to Standbakes and buy me a medium nonfat milk pistachio deep mocha dip cream frappuccino with chocolate sauce!

I'm just left stunned at her request. What the hell is Najimi thinking?

Najimi: And if you don't, I won't be your friend anymore.

Y/N: Babe!

Najimi: What?

Y/N: Don't make her do all that! You could just ask me to buy one and I'll do it for you.

By the time me and Najimi started debating about her idea, Komi had already headed to Standbakes to get Najimi's drink.

Tadano: Uhh guys?

We look towards him to see Komi is gone.

Y/N: Great. She's gone. I hope nothing bad happens to her.

Najimi: Relax! She'll be fine...I think.

After a good 20 minutes, Komi returned with an enormous bag in her hand. She hands it to Najimi who was already excited to see the coffee.

Najimi: Yahoo! I can't wait to drink...this. What is this?

She looks at the drink and I'm guessing that isn't what she wanted. I heard some sniffling and saw Komi crying.


Y/N: Komi? Are you okay?

She still continues crying until I go up to her and comfort her with a hug. She returns the favor and hugs me back while crying into my shoulder. Najimi regretfully sets the drink down and walks over to us.

I kiss her on the cheek and give her hair a bit of a mess up.

Y/N: It's not your fault hun. We all make mistakes. Like me dating Najimi while being with you.

Najimi: Ey!

Y/N: Do you feel any better?

She wipes her tears and nods. Najimi gets on the ground and bows with Tadano.

Najimi: I'm sorry Komi. I shouldn't have made you get that drink for me.

Y/N: As a punishment, I will be sharing this with Komi and Tadano. 

Najimi: Noooo!

I grabbed the coffee and inserted the straw. Me and Komi happily shared the large drink while Najimi just stared at us.

Najimi: Not fair! Hmph.

Tadano: Can I have some?

Y/N: Sure. Just throw the straw away.

Komi Harem x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now