More than meets the eye

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The purplette got up from the sounds of her kitty alarm. Komi got up and went to her closet to change out of her pajamas. While changing, her flip phone received a message. She finished putting on her shirt and went to see who the notification is from.

Y/N's Text: I bought you a donut and boba. Hope you get here safely xoxo -Y/N

Komi smiles a bit before sending a text of her own.

Komi's Text: I hope you got me the right flavor of boba this time Y/N. Otherwise, I'll find someone who'll do it for me  ;)

Y/N's Text: Nooooo Shouko!!!!

Komi: (^_^)/(T_T) JK I'll be there in a few minutes.

The quiet girl tossed her phone aside and finished putting on her uniform. She went downstairs to be greeted by her mom washing a few dishes. Her brother and father were sitting at the kitchen table and were eating some eggs and bacon. Her father was reading the newspaper while her younger brother was playing on his Nintendo DS.

Shuuko: Shouko! You're up! Sit down dear, I've prepared a nice plate for you.

The young girl sat down and opened her flip phone. While waiting to be served, she began rapidly pressing the buttons on her keyboard. Komi had a smile one her face, she was enjoying the conversation she was having with her boyfriend, Y/N.

Komi: Oh Y/N...

Shosuke: Who's Y/N?

Shouko realized the error of saying his name out loud. She tried to come up with an excuse but ultimately failed.

Shuuko: Y/N? Isn't he that young man that came over the other day?

This got the attention both Shosuke and her father, Masayoshi.

Shosuke: Who?

Shuuko: Well, the other day, Shouko brought over a few friends but also a very polite young man who seemed a little to close to her.

Shosuke and Masayoshi both looked at Shouko and were waiting for a response.

Komi: H-He's just....a friend....

Masayoshi: Bring him over.

The seriousness in her father's voice was enough to give her butterflies in her stomach.

Komi: W-When?

Masayoshi: Tonight.

She simply nodded her head and looked at her lap. Komi began to feel nervous and scared. What would Y/N say? 

When she finished her breakfast, Komi left the house in a hurry and went out the front door. She walks quickly to school and reaches it within 30 minutes. She changes out of her shoes and is greeted by Najimi.

Good mornings with Najimi:

Najimi: Yo! What's going on Komi?

Good mornings with Agari:

Agari: H-Helllo Komi! W-Woof!

Good mornings with Yamai:

Yamai: Good morning Komi. *drools*

Good mornings with Tadano: 

Tadano: Hello Komi!

Good Mornings with Y/N:

I snuck behind him and covered his eyes.

Y/N: Woah! I wonder who would play a prank like this?

Komi: I-It's me s-silly!

Y/N was playing GTA 5 on his computer so I next to him and watched.

Y/N: How come you can talk normally with me? 

Komi: I-I guess it's....o-only specific t-to you Y/N....

Y/N: I see. Here, I bought you something to eat.

Y/N's POV:

Komi: I-I'll have the b-boba....

Najimi: I'll have the donut!

Agari: Can I have it?

Y/N: Both of you share it!

They both look in defet as I handed them the dessert. Najimi rip the donut in half but obviously she took the bigger half.

Y/N: So Shouko, what's new?

Komi: M-My parents...t-they want to meet you...

Y/N: Oh shit...

(Sorry if this chapter was short. Yesterday's chapter was also short so consider this a fill in for yesterday. A full chapter will be uploaded later today.)

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