Chapter 2

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Osas p.o.v

As I settled into my seat on the plane headed to Nigeria, I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. While waiting for the plane to take off, I found myself trying to quell the unease that always seemed to surface whenever I flew. The memories of my past accident resurfaced, and I was reminded of just how much I disliked plane flights.

Note: This is a third-person narration.

Six years ago
It had been two years since Seyi had gone to the UK, and she was already feeling lonely.
She had gotten to one of the best private universities in Nigeria, and she had made some nice friends, but she was still missing him.

Right now, her family and her were on a first-class plane back to Nigeria. The summer holidays were over and she and her family  had spent it in Paris
She had visited Seyi in the UK for a week before coming back to Paris.

Her father insisted on taking the normal plane instead of our private jet. What was a waste of money? She thought.

The flight attendant's voice filled the cabin as she made her way down the aisle, checking that every passenger had securely fastened their seatbelts. "Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts; the plane is preparing to make its final descent," she announced with a reassuring tone.

"Finally back home!" her little brother exclaimed. He was six then.

Yeah ...home.

The calm hum of the plane's engines was shattered by a deafening explosion that reverberated from one of the wings. The sudden jolt sent ripples of vibrations throughout the cabin, jolting passengers from their seats. Panic ensued as terrified cries filled the air, adding to the chaos and confusion onboard.

Her brother's cries were not dying down as she tried to calm him down, while inside she was screaming.

Her dad was saying reassuring words to them, but he didn't even think he believed those words.

All of a sudden, the plane began to glide down with speed.

"Good evening, everyone. Please we will be having an emergency landing." The pilot's voice sounded in the plane but the cries drowned his voice.

" God help us."

As she slipped into unconsciousness, her mother's final words echoed in her ears. When she finally regained consciousness, all she could see was a blinding, brilliant light.

Was I in heaven??

She heard shoe noises and whispered voices." She's alive." She managed to hear one of the voices.

it was male.

She managed to stare at her body. She was covered with tubes everywhere, from her mouth to her body.

Why was she in the hospital and that's when she realized she could not remember anything before then? Not her name, family members, nothing and she began to panic, The heart monitor began to beep fast and she could hear a voice telling her to relax; it was the male doctor

Relax ?!! I could not remember a thing.

Two weeks later

It had been two weeks since the plane accident. She had been seeing a physiotherapist and seeing Dr. Marx. He was the doctor who had told her to relax earlier

She was seeing a physiotherapist for her legs; her right leg had dislocated, and she was using a metal one. Doctor Marx and Dr. Williams were concerned about her inability to recall anything from her past and her hallucinations; fortunately, he was a neurologist.
She kept on recalling or rather, she tried to recall her past but it eventually led to her seeing things that weren't there and hearing things. All she knew was that it involved a plane crash, which led to loss of memory, dislocation of her right leg, and a hideous scar on her back, right to her neck.

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