When people speak of people who have ruined them
Usually they mention the "love of their lives"
The soulmate
The boyfriend or girlfriend
Or even spouse
Who left them for someone else
Or simply because they weren't good enough
That is a description of a lost love
But it can be so much more than that
A friend who ditches you
Because you aren't good enough for them
Not pretty enough
Not smart enough
Or maybe you're too smart
Not exciting enough
Not fun enough
Or maybe you're too fun
And they become jealous
All of these are reasons for a lost friendship
I've lost many
Both boys and girls
Who were once my friends
Until they weren't anymore
And I never knew why
Sometimes they would disappear
And never come back
Other times it was a gradual pulling away
And I was left alone on the side
Watching as they laughed with another
Called another their "best friend"
And it was as if I no longer existed.
People become desperate
Clinging to their friends as if they will leave them as well
It is because of this that more people leave
And it was all because of the first few
Who left them standing
In the rain
All alone.
Others become walled off from the world
They don't trust others for anything
Though deep down inside they are begging
For anyone to pay attention to them
We all need friends
But for some
It is almost impossible
To find one.
But the truth is
Even after everything
It is so much better
To have loved and lost
Than to have never loved
Anyone at all.
This is hard for some people
And that is why
We must reach out to each other
Support each other
Stay with each other
Because we need each other
And someone around you
Needs you as well.
Fiction généraleA series of stories that describes feelings and emotions, as well as talking about various things that drive us and events that affect us.