Main Character Life

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A lot of people want to live the main character life. They want to be the smartest, the strongest, the best. Honestly, I can relate to that. I put in the work in order to be athletic. To be smart. To get good grades. To win. To be better... or at least good enough. But that's all just striving to get something. For some people it's money. For others it is popularity. They want to know the most people. They want the most money. They want everyone to like them, to look up at them and say "I want to be just like that person."

Sometimes I don't want my life. I want the life of another girl. I want to be the popular girl in my class, the girl with a job, a boyfriend, Varsity starter in basketball, volleyball, and soccer... but then I've seen how sad she is. How depressed. How much anxiety she has. How hard it is for her to balance her 'perfect' job with school. How she is constantly struggling with drama. How she has no confidence in her own life. She presents her life as perfect, a life that everyone should try to replicate. And a lot of things are good with her life. But there are flaws. There are flaws and problems with everyone's life. Everyone has problems. Everyone feels the pressure and anxiety.

A lot of people would rather be someone else. Or they want to change something about themselves. Girls are constantly trying to be prettier or more popular. Boys are constantly trying to be more athletic. These are good goals, but you have to learn how to balance. Focus on improving yourself, but don't hate the person you are.

I'm the girl who gets good grades. The girl people come to for help. The girl who seems to be smart. I'm not. I just know how to work hard. It is a good skill to learn, but having good grades and having people expect you to get good grades puts a lot of expectations on a girl. Every little failure brings stress and anxiety. My life isn't that hard. I live in the U.S, for goodness sakes. All of my problems are first world problems. Minor things that don't matter as much in comparison to the big problems in the world. But that doesn't mean they don't matter. No one's life is perfect. Everyone needs help sometimes. Even the most successful of the main characters. 

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