So many people are driven by jealousy. It is an infection that drives them to do certain things; to act certain ways. It is an evil thing that twists people's minds and causes them to do things that ruin their lives, and the lives of others. But it is something that influences many people.
Many of us struggle with jealousy. I know I am one of the worst. Sometimes it can be something as simple as someone being better than us at something. Sometimes it is because we are jealous that another person holds the attention of someone we care about. Sometimes we are just so lonely that we are jealous of anyone who isn't, or so sad that we are jealous of anyone who is happy. I've seen it all, and I've experienced most of it as well. But something happened one day that made me realize something...
One day I was wishing that someone would come and be my friend, and maybe even like me. I was jealous of anyone who had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. And then a boy came to me and wanted to date. I agreed, and soon I found other people jealous of me. It really changed my whole perspective...
When the time came and I was no longer together with him, I carried myself more confidently. Rather than hurting me, the relationship had helped me improve myself. I now realized that it was possible that someone could care about me, and that made me very happy, and confident in myself and my own abilities.
It also made me realize that there is no perfect relationship. The best relationships are the ones where people learn to talk through their arguments and problems, and they end best when both decide to go their own ways.
I learned a lot from the relationship and will never forget.
قصص عامةA series of stories that describes feelings and emotions, as well as talking about various things that drive us and events that affect us.