Chapter 1

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Harper was set on the deck as her feet hung over the water. She looked back her father who had a beer in his hand and his hat over his face. Harper sighed. 5 years ago they're life was different. Her dad was out saving people in the bottom of the ocean. Now they were in Thailand and all her father does is drink all day. As she looked out on the water she heard yelling and looked over at the dock where her father stood with a guy arguing, about his boat again. 

Harper looked back out the mucky water before she heard her father yelling her name.

"Harper! Come on!" Jonas yelled and she stood up putting her sandals back on before walking over where he was sat on his bike. 

Harper got on the bike and Jonas drove home. They turned off the dirt road onto the road when Jonas stopped. Harper looked ahead and saw a helicopter at the end of the road. She smiled as Jonas pulled up to their house. They went inside and before they even got around Harper spoke.

"Mac!" She smiled brightly coming around the corner and hugging him.

"Heyy!" He smiled putting his arms around her.

"Wow, your so much more grown up now." He said as Jonas came around the corner looking at his daughter than at Mac. 

"Now this is shaping up to be an eventful Tuesday morning." Jonas said as Harper let go of Mac.

"You know I like to make an entrance." Mac said smiling.

"Hell, Mac, after 5 years, just showing up is making an entrance." Jonas told him Mac walked over.

"What? Your living above a bar? Really? With Harper?" Mac scratched his neck

"Figured it was the only way to get you to come visit." Jonas told him before Mac made a face. They both laughed and hugged.

"Jonas, allow me to introduce-." Mac tried to tell him.

"Its an honor to meet you, Doctor Zhang. Always had a tremendous respect for your work." Jonas shook the other guys hand.

"You're very kind, Mr. Taylor." Zhang said to him.

"Yeah,no, I'm not. You're a good man. Hey, can I offer either of you two a beer? Cause I'm gonna have a beer. Harper go to your room." Jonas told his daughter.

"But-" Harper tried to get out of it.

"Harper." Jonas said sternly and she gave him a dirty look. 

She walked to the front door and walked out slamming the door behind her. She walked through the bar and walked outside. She walked to the docks at the end of the road. She took her sandals off and sat down letting her feet hang above the water. She pulled out her phone and looked down at the photo on her lock screen. 

The photo was her in the middle. Heller on her left side and Mac on her other side. She opened her phone and another photo of her home screen popped up. This photo was Jonas in a white suit, with Harper, who was 5 years old in the picture, in a wet suit, and they were sat on top of  a submarine that hadn't gone under yet. The sunset was right there, the water was blue, and Jonas and Harper were both happy as could be with big smiles on her face. 

"Harper!" She heard her name called and and looked up to see her father with his head out the window waving her over. 

She rolled her eyes and shoved her phone in her pocket. She stood up and put her shoes on. She walked through the bar and upstairs. She walked through the door and came around the corner to see Mac and Dr. Zhang sitting on the couch. They both smiled at her. She walked to her fathers room where he was packing a bag.

"Pack a bag. We're going back." He looked at her and she smiled big.

She ran to her room and back clothes and necessities. 

They got off the plane when it landed and a girl and some guy came over to talk to Dr

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They got off the plane when it landed and a girl and some guy came over to talk to Dr.Zhang. 

"Sir, we've got a problem." the girl said.

"Its your daughter." The guy said.

"She took a glider to try and save them." The girl said 

"Why did you let her go." Dr.Zhang asked as they went down the stairs.

"Trust me, I didn't let her do anything." The girl told him.

"I was sort of under the impression you're suppose to try and save people who are dying on the bottom of the ocean." The guy said making Jonas and Harper both look at him.

"Who's he?" Jonas asked Mac.

"I'm the guy who paid for all this." The guy told him and Jonas and Harper both just stared at him.

"Uh-huh." Jonas said

"You know, he looks heroic, he walks fast, but hes kind of got a negative attitude." The guy said as the stepped into the elevator and Harper looked at the guy like he was the weirdest person he's ever met. 

"What's the window?" Jonas asked as the doors closed.

"It'll be close." The girl said

"Who are you?" Jonas asked.

"I'm the one that designed all this."

"So my life's in your hands?"

"Pretty much. That a problem?"

"Nah. You look like you might actually know what you're doing."

The door opened on the elevator.

"Dive control level." The computer spoke.

They all went to walk out when Dr.Zhang stopped Jonas and Harper.

"Oh,I'm sorry. Mac, have Doctor Heller meet us in the medical bay." Dr.Zhang told Mac.

"Heller?" Jonas asked 

"Did I not mention that?" Mac asked as the doors closed again.

"You mother-" Jonas was cut off by the doors closing.

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