Chapter 4

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The next morning

Harper was walking down the hallway when she found Suyin standing by her fathers bedroom door.

"Hey, Suyin. Whatcha doing?" Harper asked pointing towards her father's door.

"Hi..I was... um, apoligizing." Suyin said then Mac came down the hallway and she followed him away.

Harper pressed the doorbell on her fathers door and opened it in just a towel.

"Hey, d- Harper. Hey, What do you need?" Jonas asked her and she looked at him then at Suyin walking down the hallway.

"N-nothing. I'm gonna go." Harper told him and he looked at her confused as she walked away.

She followed Mac and Suyin into the meeting room, where everyone was sat. Mac and Suyin found a seat as Harper stood off to the side by Suyin's daughter, Meiying. 

"This is what attack us. A megalodon." Suyin told everyone.

"How big is that thing?" DJ asked

"Between 70 and 90 feet. 21 to 27 meters." Harper told them 

"Yep. The Megalodon was the largest shark that ever existed. It feared nothing. It had no predators. It's jaw were stronger than any other animal, ever. The meg could bite a whale in half, crushing through the bones." Suyin told everyone.

"We are in uncharted territory. Until today megalodon were thought to be extinct over two million years."Dr. Zhang said.

"Wrong." DJ muttered.

"A living fossil." Jaxx stared at the screen.

"That living fossil ate my friend." The Wall said and everyone looked down at the table.

"I cannot begin to express my sadness for Toshi's death. We have the discovery of a lifetime. This is what Toshi worked for. It's what we've all worked for. But we're going to have to have to proceed slowly." Dr. Zhang said

"Yeah, that's really not gonna work for me. What is Mana one?" Jack spoke from the window. 

"This station?" DJ asked

"Yes. And what's it doing? Hmm? Right now. Exactly. Nothing. 20 million dollar rover, gone. Thirty million dollar sub, gone. You are now sitting in the most expensive underwater marine biology day camp in human history." Jack spoke as everyone listened.

Harper turned when she heard Meiying talking.

"Hey, crazy." Meiying said and Harper turned and saw her dad leaned against the wall.

Jonas looked down at and she smiled at him. Jonas smiled and bent down beside her. 

"Thank you for keeping your promise." She told him and he smiled

"Your welcome." He said to her and she stood up and walked out patting his back. 

He stood back up as Harper turned back to Jack.

"Other people will want a piece of this thing, whether we like it or not." Jack said

"You seem to like it." Jonas spoke up.

"Excuse me?" Jack asked as everyone turned to Jonas.

"I said, you seem to like it." Jonas crossed his arms.

""I'm sorry. Is he part of this team?" Jack whispered to everyone.

"You're damn right he's a part of this team." The Wall said in a threatening voice. 

"Okay." Jack put his hands up.

"You ever think that mother nature might know what she's doing? The thermocline might just be there for a reason? Hey, look, you wanna explore? Go ahead, explore. But if you start sending people down there, don't call me to come save your asses.  Because in case what happened down there wasn't clear to you, man vs meg isn't a fight." Jonas told them as he walked up to the table. 

Harper stepped up speaking.

"It's a slaughter." She told them.

Her dad turned and looked at her before looking back to them. Harper turned and walked out of the room. As she was walking down the hallway She saw Meiying with her ipad and a little ball on the ground and she was looking around, Harper walked over to her. 

"Hey, what are you doing?" She asked as they continued walking and walked through a plastic film into another section of the building. 

"nothing." Meiying told her as the ball got stopped by some stuff laying on the ground. 

They turned at the intersection of hallway's and Meiying leaned down grabbing the ball. They both felt a large presence and turned to see the meg right outside the glass walls. Meiying dropped her tablet and ball thats in her hands. Harper froze as she stared at the giant shark before them. Meiying and Harper both screamed as the shark leaned out and tried to bit through the glass and the whole building shook. It was long before Jonas and Suyin came running down the hallway.

Harper sat against the wall as she stared at the ground breathing heavily. Suyin ran over to Meiying.

"Mama." Meiying cried out as Suyin grabbed her. 

Jonas walked over to Harper pulling her into his arms as he looked at the teeth marks in the glass. 

"Are you okay?" Jonas asked her 

"Y-yeah, yeah. Um, t-the meg." Harper pointed to the glass. Jonas stood staring at the glass as Mac came running down the hallway staring at the glass with him.

Suddenly a whale hit the glass. The baby one. 

"It's okay. It's just a whale." Jonas said 

"Wait. Where's Lucy. Where's the mom?" Suyin asked as Harper walked over to Jonas putting her arms around him and he put his arms on her back. 

Suddenly the meg came and bit the whale killing. Harper dug her head into Jonas's stomach. 

"Dad." Harper squeezed him as he patted her back.

This chapter is a little shorter than usual but I wanted to get a chapter out for everyone since it's been a couple days. Hope y'all enjoy!

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