Chapter 8

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Knowing that boat would hit the water at any moment with them still holding onto would cause them to get hurt Harper pushed her fathers  arms off of her and turned and jumped into the water swimming farther away so nothing hit her when it came down. Jonas and Suyin followed in after her. 

"Nobody said there was two! How are there two! Help me! Get me out of this water! Help! Somebody help, please! Help!" DJ yelled and sloshed around in the water as they all swam towards the flipped over boat.

"What is wrong with you?" Jack asked him when he finally got onto the boat.

"I can't.. I can't swim." DJ said trying to get to the boat.

"No! Get outta here! Really? Even the kid here can." Jack pointed at Harper as she crawled onto the boat laying there catching her breath.

"Don't pull that racist stuff on me." DJ said as Jack reached out helping him the rest of the way on to the boat.

"Oh, come on, man. Give me a break. I'm not being racist. You work, literally, in the middle of the ocean." Jack told him.

"This wasn't part of the job description. None of this was part of the job description! They left that part out!"DJ yelled as he rolled the rest of the way onto the boat.

"Dad! Dad! Dad!" Suyin started to yell as she stood up and looked around. 

"Its time to get some real help. " Jack pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Yeah. Go get some real help." DJ said as he layed his head down out of breath as Suyin continued to yell for her father.

"Hey. Give me a hand." Jonas yelled over to Mac as Harper walked over seeing Suyin's father unconscious in his arms as Suyin ran over.

They pulled him out of the water as Jack yelled into his phone Dr. Zhang eyes opened as blood poured from his mouth and from under his shirt.

"Thank you, Jonas. Thank you." Dr. Zhang told him then groaned.

"Just Relax, relax, relax." Jonas told him before looking up at Suyin.

"It's not good. He needs a hospital fast.  Let's get the doctor. Where's doctor Heller?" Jonas stood up.

"Here it comes!" They heard Jack yell and they all stood up seeing Jaxx and Heller a little farther away from the boat.

Everyone started to yell at him as the Meg went right for him. He went under and the water turned red as the meg reached him as everyone gasp. Harper put her hands on her head as she knelt down as the Meg swam away. Jaxx swam over and they pulled her up on the boat as she cried. 

"What was that? What the hell was that!?" DJ hit his hands against his thighs.

"Okay, come on, DJ." Jack told him.

"No! No! This is why we don't leave the station, okay? That's why you don't do that! And you went down there and you pissed it off, now it's gonna come back and kill every single one of us! Now what we suppose to do? I shouldn't even be out here in the first place. Swimming in this ocean. That one ate the other one. Is another one gonna eat this one?" DJ yell at Jonas.

"Hey! Don't just yell at him. We all played a part in going down there. We all did something to help the process of going down there. Including you!" Harper yelled at DJ as he sighed.

"Man, its...It just killed Heller. It killed The Wall. It killed Toshi. These are my friends, man." DJ said quieter before sighed and everyone stayed quiet.

"Okay, can I just point out that this thing is sinking? What are we gonna do now?" Jack said as Jonas looked around.

"Where's Mac?" Jonas asked before they looked over and spotted him swimming to the life boat. He reached it and got in and waved over at them.

"Yes!" Jack clapped his hands together.

"Yes!" Jack clapped his hands together

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Jonas, Harper, Suyin, and Dr. Zhang were in one motorboat and the others where in the other one as they drove back to Mana One. 

"10 miles, it's still with us." Jonas spoke up making Harper look back behind the other boat to see the meg following them.

They watched as a helicopter went past them and turned around and stayed right above the meg before shooting it making it go under. 

"Well done, Morris." Jonas said and Jack threw his fist the air with a cheer.

Harper watched as Dr. Zhang and Suyin spoke to each other in there native language in quiet voices as Dr. Zhang turned more and more pale. It was obvious to someone who didn't even know Chinese that they were having a father-daughter moment. As Suyin sobbed as Dr. Zhang's eyes closed and his final breath puffed out, Suyin sobbed more as she wrapped her arms around him. Harper looked up Jonas as she did her best to keep her own tears in. Jonas set a hand on top of her head as he looked down at her with a look that she hadn't seen in a little over 5 years. 

They reached Mana one as Suyin put her jacket over Dr. Zhang. Jonas hugged her before they heard Meiying. 

"Mommy! Mommy! Welcome back, mommy." Meiying smiled walking to them. 

All of them watched as Suyin got out of the boat grabbing Meiying hand leading her away before bending down and telling her what happen before they hugged each other. Harper got out of the boat helping tie it down before looking back up at them to see them still hugging. As Jonas stepped out of the boat Harper wrapped her arms around his middle and hugged him tightly. Jonas picked her up just like when she was little and held her. Though she was big enough to walk on her and doing pretty much anything and didn't need to held she still missed being held by her father as she laid her head in the crook of his neck. 

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