Chapter 7

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"Everything okay up there?" They heard Suyin on the comms.

"Just a fresh round of chum, so, you know, taste good." The Wall told her as he scooped more up and dumped it in the water.

"So glad you're looking out for me." Suyin told her, they most defiantly hear the humor in her voice. 

"Thank you. Bye-Bye. Good luck." The Wall said after finished throwing the chum as he mad a disgusting face backing away from the edge of the boat.  

They stopped the cage. It was silent for a moment before heard Suyin gasp and the chain shook.

"What's happening down there?You okay?" Mac asked

"Yeah. I'm okay. Just some teeny, tiny eight foot sharks." Suyin said and it was silent again before Suyin spoke up, "Here we go."

"We've got her attention." Jaxx's said watching the tracker device move towards Suyin.

"Suyin, it's on its way." Mac held his finger on his comm.

"50 meters." Jaxx yelled and Mac repeated it to Suyin.


"10 meters"

"Okay. Wow. I'm going to try and hit it in the eye. Damn it." Suyin said before it was quite again before they heard her grunt then the rope started getting pulled farther and farther into the water and once there was no more rope to pull the boat started moving.

"Oh,sh-" Jonas didn't get to finish what he said as the rod that held the rope fell onto the middle of the boat.

"Yes! The poison is in." They heard Suyin say.

"Okat, Suyin, hang in there" Mac told her as the boat stopped moving.

 "I'm trapped! I'm in it's mouth!" Suyin yelled

"That cage with not break." Jaxx said determined.

"That's the problem! The cage is being swallowed." Suyin yelled and Harper turned around when she heard shuffling and saw her father putting a tank on his back and securing before running towards the water.

"Dad!" Harper yelled as Jonas jumped into the water and everyone ran over to the edge of the boat to watch.

"Hell, yeah." Jack smiled.

They watching the rope start moving in the water again and everyone groaned.

"Not this again." DJ said.

"Oh, man. Oh, man." Jack backed away from the edge of the boat as the boat started getting pulled again.

Suddenly the rope was pulled and the rod the rope was attached to swung around and hit Jaxx making her fly off the boat.

"New problem. My mask is broken, I'm losing air." Suyin said.

"Help!" They heard Jaxx yell from the side of the boat.

"Help!" She yelled again and Jack threw a ladder over the edge.

"Come on, Jaxx." Jack said as the Meg got closer to her before going right under the boat last second.

"Thank you." Jaxx thanked him.

"Your welcome."

The rod started to fall from the boat before completey falling off and into the water. 

"Dad, the crane fell into the water!!" Harper yelled holding her comm.

"It's gonna pull her to the bottom. Hurry!" DJ yelled.

"Swing the second crane over here." The wall jumped down on the second platform on the boat. 

"We're gonna set a trap. Guys, I need some bait." The Wall said pulling some rope from the crane and Dr. Zhang threw a big piece of bait into the water and the rope followed it down. 

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