Chapter 3

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They watched as Suyin looked around for the sub. Eventually she found.

"Oh. There it is." She said and they all looked up at the camera seeing the red sub. 

"I've got visual on the Origin. I can see most of it." Suyin said

"Okay. They're alive." Jaxx smiled.

"I'm going to set up to tow." Suyin told them.

"Range to target. Six meters. Four meters. Target locked." They heard the computer.

"Firing magnetic hook. Three. Two." They heard her say before a bunch of commotion.

"Suyin? Are you okay? What's happening?" Heller asked

"There is something down here. Something just hit my ship." They heard her say then it was quite for a moment before they heard her yell.

"Suyin, What's happening?" Mac asked

"It's a huge squid. It's got the glider." 

"Warning: Capsule Presser."

"Mac, it's crushing me! It's crushing me!I don't think the glider can take it."

"It's not gonna hold." Jaxx spoke up.

"Suyin, engage, the pressure compensator." 

"Compensator will not engage."

"Capsule breach in 10 seconds."

"Capsule breach in 5 seconds."

Suddenly all warnings stopped going off. 

"My god! It's a shark. It's like 20, 25 meters." Suyin said 

"Its a megalodon." Jonas said.

"Impossible." Suyin said as Jonas looked up at the camera.

"I'm so glad I'm not crazy." Jonas said.

"Suyin, power down. It's drawn to the light. Shut everything down and stay dark." Harper said

"Shut down in 30 seconds."

"Shutting down everything but comms." Suyin said then a warning started going off.

"It's circling back. Here it comes, Suyin." Jonas said.

"Shutdown in 25 seconds."

"Suyin, there's not time. Turn off your lights." Jonas said

"Shutdown in 20 seconds." 

"Turn them off. Now." Jonas told her.

"Shutdown in 15 seconds."

"Mac, I have no control." Suyin tried pressing all the buttons.

"Hurry." Jonas said.

"Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One." 

They were waiting for anything, but nothing happen. Jonas started releasing flares distracting the shark. 

"Now's your chance. Blow your tanks." Jonas told her.

"No. I can help you save the crew." 

"Your glider's damaged. There's nothing you can do. Blow your tanks now."

"Damn it." Suyin said then blew her tanks.

"Doctor Zhang, your daughters clear. I'm heading for the origin now." Jonas told them 

(Everyone one at Mana One can not anything that happens after this)

Jonas approached the Origin and connected their subs.

"Water extraction complete."

Jonas open his hatch to see the other hatch damaged.

Jonas work to get it open. Jonas smile when they opened their hatch.

"Tell me this isn't the worlds best I told you so." Jonas said

"You came all the way here just to tell me that, didn't you?" Lori said.

"Pretty much. Give me your hand." Jonas reached out and grabbed her hand pulling her up as he pulled her up he saw a screwdriver in her stomach.

"Ah, that doesn't look good. Ready? One, two, three." Jonas pulled her the rest of the way in when he heard beepings.

"She's coming. Let's move." Jonas said

"If that thing hits us while were still attached..." Lori said.

"Then we're all gonna die." Jonas told her.

Come on, I've got you." Jonas reached out for the next person.

It's gonna be close. Come on, move, move!" Jonas yelled.

"Go!Go!Go!." The guy behind the girl yelled.

"We're not gonna make it." The guy yelled.

"Toshi, hury!" The guy yelled.

They heard the hatch close.

"Toshi, no! The guy yelled trying to get to him.

The sub shot off. 

"Come in, Evolution. Jonas, come in. Are you all okay? Doctor has vitals on Lori and The Wall, but we don't have Toshi. Is Toshi okay? Jonas, is Toshia okay?" Mac kept asked until someone finally answered explaining what happen.

When the sub came back up they helped get everyone out. Harper walked out when they were bring Lori out on a stretcher. The Wall came out and handed a piece of paper to Dr. Zhang. Jonas came out when Suyin walked over.

"You couldn't bring Toshi back?" Suyin asked and Jonas blew out a breath and shook his head.

"Why not?"

"He closed the hatch. He saved us." Jonas told her.

"You left him." Suyin said and Jonas just looked at her before turning to walk away.

"You left him because that's who you are. You are the guy who leaves people behind." Suyin followed him.

"You go that deep, you take your life in your hands. It was your choice to send them down." Jonas told her and she just stared at him as Jonas looked up at Mac.

"This is why I don't do this anymore, Mac." Jonas told him before looking at Suyin one more time before walking away.

Jonas walked past Harper who stood their looking at the ground with her hands in her sweatpants pockets. She followed her father to the medbay where Lori laid sleeping, Heller standing by her bed with a check list.

"How is she?" Jonas asked leaning against the doorway.

"Well, the picture just missed her liver. She lost a lot of blood. But she's stable." Heller said walking over and both men just stared at each other.

Jonas turned and started to walk away.

"Jonas. I'm sorry. I was wrong." Heller told her.

"You save Lori, we call it even." Jonas told him and he nodded his head.

Jonas turned and walked away and Heller walked back into the room.

"So, she's going to be okay?" Harper asked him and he turned to her.

"She's  be good as new here soon." He told her and she nodded and stood from her chair and walked out.

Harper went to her room and showered. She stood there as the water poured on her head as thought poured into her head. Ever since her and Jonas left 5 years ago their strong bond slowly faded more and more. It was near extinction now. They're relationship just got worse and worse as she grew, but her father had never really yelled at her like he did on the sub. She just wanted to go with him. If he was going to go out and possible die she was going to do it. She doesn't think she'll live without him. Though all they gave each other the past few days was attitude and rudeness she obviously still cared for her father and if he wasn't in this world she doesn't know what she would do with herself. 

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