Chapter 11

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As she got closer to the shark she drove up, the shark followed before she quickly cut down dodging the shark. She drove under the shark and turned sideways that way the side the got damaged by the coral earlier stabbed into the shark. As she looked to her side she watched as the shark started to pour blood as she continued to cut the shark all the way down. 

"How do you like that? Bleed!" Harper said getting slightly closer.

As she got to the tail the shark hit her with her tail making her go flying and tons of warnings started to go off. She looked down at the control panel to see the impact detection safety shutdown at 0%. She looked and started hitting buttons to make it stop.

"Come on, Come on, Come on." She said to herself.

The shark came from the side taking half the glider in its mouth, sending her flying again. As she shark bit down one of its teeth bit through the glass and water started to pool in the glider. She groaned and yelled as the more the shark bit down the more water pooled around her and the more the glass broke. She took her seat belt off and swam to the top of the glider taking deep breath as almost the whole glider was full of water. She went back into the water grabbing the mouth piece of the snorkel that was in there and took a deep breath. She looked up seeing the glass crack more, and grabbed the goggles part of the snorkel and put it on. The shark let go of the glider and she kicked the glass and made a whole, she grabbed a knife and swam out of the glider just as the shark smashed it into pieces. She grabbed the side of the glider that was still in the sharks mouth and pulled a metal rod out of the damage part of the glider. She stabbed her knife into the shark and it let go the glider and started swimming around. 

Harper grabbed onto the knife and got the rod situation in her hand and waited a moment before stabbing the rod into the shark's eye. The shark's mouth opened wide as it swam faster and blood pulled from the eye, it jumped up at out of the water and Harper held onto the knife as she took a deep breath and shoved the rod all the way into the sharks eye then kicked off the shark then landed in the water beside the shark. 

As the shark landed it pushed her farther away. As she watched the shark sink and blood pool out of it not moving, suddenly the shark started to move around. Harper turned to get away, but as she turned another small shark swam right by her towards the shark. She looked around her seeing tons of small sharks headed straight for the meg. She watched them latch onto the sharks skin and started eating away at it. She watched one of the hammer heads turn to her and headed straight for her. She went to swim away before a glider came out of nowhere and hit the shark and she quickly grabbed onto the side of glider. As she looked in she saw Suyin and she nodded her head at her which she did back. 

Harper looked back seeing more blood then she could she the she shark as it sank and all the small sharks ate away at it. Some swimming in and out of its open mouth. Suyin brought them up to the surface and they swam towards a nearby boat. She smiled when she saw everyone else at the of the boat wave at her.

"Hey!" She heard them yell and waved back. 

She pulled herself up onto the glider until they finally got to the boat. As she got on Jonas pulled her into a hug. She hugged onto him tightly as she towel got wrapped around her. Jonas leaned down getting to her height looking at her face making sure she didn't get hurt before pulling her back into a hug. 

"You're one brave kid... but you ever pull something like that again you're grounded for live, and it will stick this time." Jonas told her and she laughed.

They all went up on the top deck. Harper was sat near Suyin when Jonas came over. He handed her and Suyin a hot chocolate and had one for himself. He sat down between Suyin and Harper and Harper curled into his side as him and Suyin smiled at each other.

"Beep! Beep! Coming through, crazy." Meiying walked over and sat down beside Jonas and Suyin.

"Oh, look who it is?" Jonas smiled.

"Well, here's to being alive." Mac said raising his cup and everyone smiled. Everyone raised their cups as Jonas wrapped his arm around Harper kissing her forehead.

"And to our friends." DJ nodded his head and everyone cheers with people near them.

"Cheers!" Jonas, Suyin, Meiying, and Harper all said as they brought all their cups together.

"I don't know about you. But, uh, I could use a vacation." Jonas looked down at Harper before looking at Suyin and Meiying. 

"Shall we ask my mum?" Meiying looked between Harper and Jonas and Jonas raised his eyebrows over and over at her making her smile and she gave him a thumbs up as they all chuckled a little bit.

And we are done! It kind of crazy, it feels like I've been doing this story for a while. Even though it's only 11 chapters. I just want to thank everyone who has been showing support for this story and everyone who continued to read even when they're were really long pauses between chapters ( probably one of the main reasons it felt like I've been writing this book for what feels like forever.) But don't worry, it's not over yet. We still go Meg 2. Now I did watch the movie before, and I'm gonna be 100%, personally I didn't like it much. But either way, I'm gonna be writing. I believe it 6 years later, so Harper will 18 in the new book. Meiying will be 15. Who's ready?

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