Chapter 5

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Everyone walked into the control room.

"Alright team, Initiate emergency protocols. And nobody is to go near the water." Mac told everyone as they sat down at their computers getting to work. 

"Turn off all the the underwater lighting. Restrict crew to essential areas." Jonas told him and he nodded his head and walked out. 

"You guys take a look at this. When the glider came up, the thermocline was intact, so it was one degree Celsius, right? But a minute later, when the evolution came up, the temperature increased by 25 degrees. A shark could come right through there. 20 sharks for that matter." Jaxx told them pointing at the screen.

"When the Meg hit the Origin, it slammed into a thermal vent." Jonas said walked down the stairs into the room fully.

"Those can release millions of gallons per minute. The heat from that vent cleared the path through the freezing cold layer." Dr. Zhang stared at the screen.

"Are you saying we opened up  a super highway for giant sharks?" Jack asked

"Not exactly. It seems like it was a transitory event. The temperatures  are returned to normal and the gap is closed." Jaxx said.

"Yeah. But not before a massive prehistoric killing machine decided to come up and say Hi." DJ said making Harper chuckle.

"Hey, look, we're wasting time. That thing's out there. We need to find it and kill it." Jonas told everyone making Suyin turn to him.

"No. We can't. We should explore non-lethal options first." Suyin told him standing up.

"For the meg or for us?" Jonas asked before they heard an alarm.

"I've got an emergency locator beacon. 20 miles south, southwest." A guy with a headset on said and everybody came over looking at the map.

"What does that mean?" Jack asked

"It means boat has gone down." Dr. Zhang told him and more alarms went off.

"Three boats." DJ said as they watched as spots lit up on the map.

"It's the meg. We need to get there. Now." Jonas told them making everyone turn to them.

Everybody piled up in a boat and they drove out to were the attacks were. When they reached the site their was stuff everyone floating in the water. Life jackets, wood, medical kits. Anything that could possible be on a boat. Everybody went to the side of the boat and looked around at everything. Heller used a hook to stick out in the water and move stuff around. He flipped over a bunch of dead sharks and they had no fins.

"These sharks have no fins." DJ said looking around at all the normal sized sharks.

"They were killed by shark poachers. They cut off the fins and throw the sharks back to die. All for a bowl of soup." Dr. Zhang told him.

"Looks like the meg evened the score." Heller said flipping more dead sharks around then pulling a human arm out of the water.

Harper eyes widen as she covered her mouth. 

"One fish did all of this?" Jack asked.

"Ask it yourself?"Jonas said making everyone look at him.

They turned their heads to look at what he was looking to see a huge fin sticking out of the water. 

"Okay. We have a shark cage and spearguns on board. If we can shoot the meg in the soft spot like its mouth or gills, we can inject it with something lethal." Dr. Zhang told Jonas.

"Woah! Whoa, Whoa. It's gonna take at least 20 minutes to rig the cage. And that thing with be gone in two." Mac pointed out to the sharks.

"Why don't you just put a tracker on it?" Harper spoke up making everyone look at her.

"I was just about to say that..... Don't you guys ever watch shark week." Jack said taking his sunglasses off as Harper looked at him like he was stupid.

"Okay. Do you have one of those, like, GPS tracking tag thingamajigs. Keep an eye on the shark till the cage is ready?" Harper asked as everyone looked back at her.

"We should be able to put a tracking dart in that dorsal fin." Wall pointed at the shark.

"You're welcome." Jack leaned against the boat.

"Shut the hell up for once, and stop asking stupid questions will ya?" Harper turned to him making his eyes go wide.

"Yeah, but somehow we have to get this boat next to that meg." Mac said getting the conversation back on track.

"No, we can't. It's already be proven aggressive towards boats." Dr. Zhang pointed towards the boat they stood on.

"The safest way to approach is without a vehicle." Suyin told them.

"Hold up. Hold up." DJ shook his head.

"You want someone to swim out there?" Jonas pointed out to the shark.

"To a prehistoric shark that ate our friend?" DJ asked

"Actually, one of us alone in the water is no threat." Harper spoke up

"Okay, who the hell is gonna make that swim?" Wall asked and everyone looked around.

"Let's draw straws." Jaxx said.

"I can't swim." Jack stood up erupt and everyone stared at him.

"Uh... Sorry, my body made me say that." Jack said

"You sure about this?" Harper asked Suyin and Suyin nodded her head.

"Not really." Suyin told her 

"If I get eaten, you're gonna feel really bad." Jonas leaned forwards towards Suyin and she held up two fingers showing she would only feel bad a little bit making Jonas chuckle.

"Dad? Let me go." Harper spoke up making Jonas look down at her.

"What? Why would I let you go?" Jonas asked

"Because. Please let me do it." Harper told him and he looked at her like she was crazy.

"No, I'm doing it. End of Conversation." Jonas told her.

"Please d-." Harper tried to beg before Jonas bent down in front of her and put his arms on he shoulders.

"Harper. Listen. Your a brave girl. But I'm doing this okay. I can not risk you getting hurt. Cause if you get hurt I could never forgive myself. So no, your not gonna do this. I'm gonna do it. Okay. " Jonas told her before standing up and taking his jacket off while Mac went and got the tracker ready. 

Sorry I haven't posted in a while last 2 weeks have been hectic. and starting tmrw its gonna get more hectic. Meaning I won't have as much time to write. I'm gonna continue to write just might slow down. Summer is over and school is starting back up. Last year of college and I'm ready for it to be over. hope y'all enjoy. 

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