Chapter 10

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Slowly they lowered both gliders into the water. Harper flicked on her lights as she looked around. 

"Any last thoughts about our plan?" She heard Jonas asked in her earbud. 

"Not dying would be a good start." She heard Suyin making Harper and Jonas laugh.

"Finally, we agree on something. Let's not make it a habit." Jonas told her as Harper looked over at Suyin.

"Suyin, look out! Get out of there!" Harper yelled as Suyin looked to her side seeing the meg swimming right towards her. She moved her glider forward dodging it as he swam towards the machine making the whale sounds as Harper turned her glider towards the meg. 

She aimed her her gun that's on the glider at it, she flipped the switch up and was about to hit the red button before the meg went under the boat disappearing into the cloud of dust. 

"Damn it." Harper muttered closing the switch.

"What's wrong, Harper." Suyin asked.

"Can't make the shot. It's too close to the ship."  Harper said as she went forward towards the cloud of dust just for the meg to come out of it towards her.

"Trying to stay out of its mouth." Harper yelled, her British accent thick, as she dipped down when she found a hole in some coral she went through. As she drove through it all she looked up down seeing the meg anymore. 

She drove through all the coral careful not to hit anything and damage the glider, before the meg swam through the side of the coral wall, Harper swerved away just barely getting past it. 

"Jeez!" She yelled out in surprise as the glider started to go crazy from being shook and she hit some coral before finally getting it straight again. She looked over at the side of the glider to see the metal all bent and wrecked.

"oops." She muttered.

She came out of the coral and headed towards Suyin.

"Suyin, are you set? Coming to you." Harper told her.

"I'm in position." Suyin told her.

"Sharks getting close." Harper said as she looked down at the screen seeing the little red dot getting closer.

"I need a little breathing room." Harper said and turned straight to Suyin. 

"I'm ready to fire." Suyin told her.

"Take the shot!" Harper told her and she watched a missile came out of Suyin's glider.

"Move!Move!" Suyin told her and she turned just in time for it to hit the shark blowing Harper's glider to the left a little. 

They watched the shark turn and go into another cloud of dust. 

"Anybody see it?" Harper asked

"Can't see the shark, but somethings going on up here." Mac told them as Suyin started flashing her lights.

"Okay, I've got her attention." Suyin said as Harper looked over seeing the Shark headed straight for Suyin. 

Suyin drove away and the shark followed her.

"Bring her to me." Harper told her watching as the shark swam after Suyin.

Suyin wrapped around headed straight for Harper.

"Here we come." Suyin told her and Harper started flashing her lights.

"Make your move, Suyin." Harper told her and Suyin drove the other direction as Harper continued flashing her lights making the meg swim towards her now.

 "Chew on this, you ugly bastard." Harper muttered and and hit the red button before a bunch of warning started going off and Harper looked up at the missle waiting for it to go but no mattered how many times she hit the red button it wouldn't shoot out at the shark that was coming straight for her.

"No!No!No! Shit!" She yelled as the shark opened it's mouth. She tried to drive up and dodge it, but wasn't fast enough. She started bouncing around as the meg tried to find a way to fit the glider in her mouth. As she got flatten out she drove away, she went under the boat but it stopped the shark as it was too big. 

She heard yelling from the other people and heard something about Meiying. 

"Harper, sorry I-." Suyin went to tell her.

"Go, go. Take care of Meiying." Harper told and she heard Jonas in hear earbud, but blocked him out. She watched Suyin drive away, but the shark head straight for her.

She sped up driving right pass the shark making it come after her instead. 

"Harper!" Suyin said as Harper looked up seeing the meg literally right on top of her.

"I'm okay. I'm leading it away from ship." Harper told as she hit some coral making it explode around her. 

"Harper! Harper! We're sitting ducks up here, Harper!" She heard Mac and all the others yelling as Harper sat watching the meg.

"Jonas, we've got nothing left." She heard Suyin.

"Almost nothing. Harper." That was all Jonas had to say for Harper to know, that he had complete trust in her. 

"How are you gonna kill it?" Mac asked.

" Evolution. I'm gonna make this thing bleed. Earlier, Suyin, what you said, you were right. It's not about the people you lose. It's about the people you save. Signing off." Harper said and she heard could hear everyone protesting including her father, he sure didn't expect this. She heard them all screaming as she pulled the earbud out of her ear setting it down on the control panel in front of her.

She drove forward straight at the shark that was speeding towards her. 

"Here we go." She said getting closer to the shark. 

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