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Someone whisper-yells my name.
"Wake up! Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck", the person swears. It was already midnight, what the hell could happen? I wake up and look around, to find Alexine standing right in front of me. She looks like as if she had a panic attack.

"What's wrong?", I ask annoyed, while standing up to look around the room. Everything looked fine, our bags were still here, we were still here-..


"Lilith sneaked out. We have to go find her! Quick!!", Alexine says in a hurry. I rub my eyes. Why the hell did Lilith sneak out? Didn't she heard her Mom? And what is she doing at this hour? Can't she just listen to the things her parents say?

Fuck, we're so screwed.

I jump out of the bed and take my coat that was lying on the chair. Alexine was already dressed in her Leather jacket. But i could see that she was still wearing her Pj's under it. We didn't have time to change.

Then, we sneaked out of the Window, what was pretty hard but we could manage it, and walked down the streets.

"Where do you think she is?", Alexine asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "But I heard that Jay Harrington is having a party today. Maybe she went there." Jay Harrington, known for being extremly spoiled and selfish, is having every weekend one. A fuckboy without emotions. He changes his girls faster than he changes his clothes.

But somehow, all the girls love him. I have to say, he looks quite good. Strong face features, a broad shoulder and stylish brown hair. His body is always trained, probably goes to a privat gym his dad owns or something.

Or maybe the girls love him for his money. Jay's dad is a well known business-man in this town. He owns a good company and has contacts everywhere. There are probably millions or even billions in his bank account.

Alexine nods in relief. "Let's go there. I think i still remember his address", she says.
I raise a brow. She just makes a grimace and we continue to walk, til we found a Taxi.


At the Party, there were many people. Like the whole school. But I'm not surprised, because Jay Harrington has good connections. It was very hot in here, even though I only had a small Pyjama shorts and a t shirt on. Everywhere were people dancing on tables, drinking shots or making out.

I was sweating and looked around for Alexine, she already dissappeared. Wasn't she here a minute ago? I couldn't find a black leather jacket anywhere, so I just walked alone through the crowd.

The People around me were dancing to the loud music, drinking and laughing like maniacs. I need to find them both as quick and fast as possible.

As I walked passed a table, I saw some alcohol-free drinks and took them, just so i wouldn't look off. I mean, I already looked off with my coat and pj's, but maybe I could earn some plus points with the drink.

I'm gonna kill Lilith when i find her. This is all her fault. If she hadn't sneaked out, none of this would have happened. I don't even know why I care so much. I just had to stay in bed. She'd probably come home in the morning.

But she's a grown ass Woman, why couldn't she understand that this is bullshit? As I walked outside, I saw a pool. There weren't many people in it. I bump into a hard chest and almost loose my balance.

"Fuck this Party",I murmur and rubbed my forehead in pain. Shit, how hard was this?

"Fuck what?", a deep voice says.
I look up to see Jay Harrington in front of me, looking down at me. His hair was a bit messy, some hairstrands looked lost on his forehead. His brown eyes looked challenging at me, waiting for an answer.

How can my luck be so bad? I'm standing right infront of Jay motherfucking Harrington. And I just said to him that he should fuck his own party. I'm such a moron. 

But when I've already started, then I'm not gonna back off.
"You heard me right. It's like 2 am in the morning. Don't you have something better to do?", I ask furiously. He looks stunned at my words, before smirking at me. "Come down, my love. It's just a party."

What did he just said?

"I'm not your 'love'. Don't call me that." I noticed him checking me out, before looking right in to my eyes, grinning. Disgusting. But I didn't thought diffrent about him.

"Okay my love-", Jay begins but before he could finish his sentence, i threw my drink at him, ruining his clothes with the red color. He looks down at his shirt, probably costed more than I could imagine, and the with disbelief at me. "Excuse me?", Jay asks me, but before I could say anything he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder.

I try to get off his grip but he only holds me even tighter. This is a nightmare. "Let me down! Fuck!", I shout in panic and hammer my fists against his back, but he wouldn't move a single muscle.

"Think about your actions, love", he speaks as he walks towards the pool. Oh no, not the pool.

"I'm gonna fucking kill-", I threatend, but then he just jumps in the pool.

With me on his back.

Anddd? What do you think of Jay?
He's a 10/10🤭, i would say.

It's finally holidays, so that means I can update more often😭💕

I'm so happy and thankful for everyone who reads this:
Thank you for continuing this story and supporting me🥰💕

Okay so, let's start the war:
Nicolas or Jay?
(Kaan just watching this with popcorn)

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