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It's been more than 2 years after Artemis had died. Her death was considered as murder, a shot in her head. The police didn't confirmed who it really was, but I'm more than sure that it was Alessandro. Her boyfriend to that time.

'Martin's slut', was what they called my sister. Because she had slept with him multiple times, even when he was as old as dad. And I couldn't figure out why she did that. If I had the opportunity to go back in time, I would've stopped her.

Because I don't like that people call my dead sister a slut.

I know that she would never do that. Sleep with dad's best friend. Something isn't right. Artemis was like a wildfire in a rainforest. Everybody had respected her. The eldest daughter of Ly. She could've ruled the town with her iron fist, but Martin destroyed everything.

My hands slipped into the half empty closets. Artemis used to write in her diary, maybe she had written down some important information the police missed out.

And I want Alessandro locked away and if not, I will be the one locked away for what I'm about to do.

I bend down to see if there was any notebook, looked through every single corner I could find, but her diary was nowhere to be seen.

I don't allow her to die like this, with a destroyed reputation. I don't fucking care what I have to do to save her name, I would do anything. Fucking anything.

"What are you looking for?", Alexine interrupted me. She had sneaked behind me. I turn myself around and looked into her hazel eyes. Insane how two eyes can turn off your brain in a second. "My sister's diary", it comes out of me.

If it's about Alexine, I hate to lie to her. In the end, she's either way the person who's gonna expose my deepest sins.

"You mean the diary from Artemis?", her voice echos. I shut my eyes closed. To hear my sister's name out of her mouth sounds like trouble. It's not gonna end well.

"Correct", is the only thing that came out of me.

She pauses to think, before crossing her arms together. "Do you want to tell me about her?"

My jaw clenched. I definitely would. But I can't. "I don't know much about her. We weren't that close. The only thing I really do regret." I let out a sigh and let myself fall on the chair next to me.

Alexine followed my movings with her eyes, gulping when I leaned myself against the chair. She was beautiful.

So beautiful.

"What's your injury doing?", she suddenly changed the topic. I grin and closed my eyes for a few seconds, before slowly taking off my shirt. Revealing to her the almost-healed wound on my stomach.

Alexine gasped, her gaze was locked on my body and I could feel her eyes focusing a little too long on my defined muscles that where covered in tattooes. Many of them had a meaning, many of them where just there, but there was one tattoo that gained her attention almost directly. It was in the middle of my left chest, exactly where my heart was. A little flower.

A daisy.

Like a scared deer, her slow steps find my body and in a few seconds, she was standing right infront of me. I looked up at her, when she suddenly touched the beautiful little daisy on my chest with her fragile warm fingers.

I knew that she would like it.

Her fingers followed the dark paint and I had to pull myself together to not just wrap my arms around her and fuck her tight ass. How long could she take me? God, Khanh, pull yourself together you fucker.

Her voice interrupted my thoughts. "Does this tattoo have a meaning? It's beautiful", she whispered. My eyes were locked into her lips as I said:"About a girl I've met in elementary school. I was obsessed with her. With her voice, her laugh, everything. She had me wrapped around her finger."

And still does.

Alexine followed my words. Such a good girl.

"I sneaked daisies into her locker and never told her. I was too.. what's the word?", I paused to think. "Shy?", Alexine helped me. I nod in agreement. Exactly. I was shy. I couldn't really follow my own words, because my eyes were concentrating on her long brown hair.

I closed my eyes to forget it. "I had to move away months after, but I've never forgot about her. And I came back, with this tattoed over my heart." I lifted my chin to see her better. Her hazel eyes where looking at my chest going up and down.

And my lips formed into a grin.

"Which elementary school were you?", she asked breathlessy. My little daisy is smart. She knows in what direction I'm trying to go and I know that she had remembered me. "Brighton", the word slipped through my lips.

It's crazy how it only takes just one word to mess someone so up. And I could tell by the look on her face that she was about to find out the truth. Our untold truth.

"You where the one that filled my locker with daisies?", her voice was about to crack. It was true. I always had loved her. Since the day I've seen her calm way with people, she made me fall inlove with her. I knew that daisies were her favorite kind of flowers and I used to pick them up on my way to school, every day, to secretly put it in her locker.

"You were the little boy with the big glasses and the many bruises on your arms and legs?" Disbelief.

"You remembered?"

Her face went from being shocked to an unfamilliar expression. I've never seen her look at anyone like this. And I liked it. I wanted her to design a smile that was just for me.

"I did. And I..-", Alexine looked down at me, scanning my body from head to toe. There was something she wanted to tell me, but it looked like she had changed her mind. "I can't believe that was you.. And that you tattoed this because of me."

God, she should stop thinking she didn't deserved all of this. I noticed how she settled herself for the bare minimum, and it disgusts me everytime. I wanted to show her how well I would treat her. How much I really loved her and how she has me wrapped around her fingers.

I grabbed her by the waist, pushed her down on my lap, as she made a sound of suprise. "This was the bare minimum. Stop being satisfied with small things. Give this a chance and I swear to everything," I lowered my voice as I spoke into her ear, "that I will treat you so good, daisy. So fucking good, that you'll never stop lowering your standards."

Her breathing made me go insane. I wanted to show this woman what she really deserve. I wanted to show her her true value and how she should be treated. I wanted to show her my insane love for her, making her feel it in diffrent kind of ways.

I would treat her so insanely good. That type of good where she will even forget her own name. And every other name that wasn't mine.

Alexine panted, her chest heavening up and down. I love to see her neck and face all flushed because of me. It's a diffrent kind of satisfaction. Maybe I'm not only doing this because of her, but because of my own satisfaction.

"Okay. Show me how good you would really treat me. How far are you willing to go?", her voice interrupted the silence.

"Want me to go on my knees for you, daisy?"


At this point, I'm feeling lonely.

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