"Get your lazy ass up or you would be late!!!"

I ignored everything around me and snuggle more into my pillow. I knew I had to get up soon but I couldn't care less at this moment.


I huffed in annoyance and kick the sheets off me and stood up. I glared hard at my so called best friend, who had the guts to wake me up.

"Do you have any clue on what the time is?"

I rolled my eyes "Fuck off would ya?"

"Get your shits together Leah. You know how difficult it was for me to get you a job at the hotel"

Realization dawned on me and I gasped. I glance over at the time and realized I had an hour to get to work, and it was a thirty minutes ride to the hotel.

"You should have woke me up earlier Camila!!!now I am going to be late"

"Serves you right. You shouldn't have gotten drunk last night"

I hurriedly grabbed my towel and toiletries "Oh shut up!! Do you have any idea how happy I was last night?"

She quirk her brow at me "Do you want this job or not?"

"Of course I do!!"

"Then quit talking and go take a shower" she huffs and plumped down on my bed "You are lucky I chose to stay the night"

I quickly run into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I stare at myself in the mirror and winced, I look like shit. I didn't have enough time to dwell on that, I head back to my room and put on my underwear. I put on my uniform which was given to me yesterday and throw my hair into a bun.

"How do I look?" I asked turning around to face Camila.

She hummed "Cool. Try not to fuck around and actually get your job done"

I grabbed my purse "Oh screw you cam"

She chuckled waving me goodbye, I put on my flats and made a run out of my apartment. I waited for a while before I finally spotted a cab, I had about thirty seven minutes to get there. Getting drunk last night was definitely not a part of my plans, but I just couldn't help myself. I was happy because I finally got a job after graduating high school five months ago,I knew I had to get my shits together.

Moving out of my grandfather's house three months ago was quite hard, he was against the idea. But he knew he couldn't change my mind, so he sucked it up and let me leave. I knew that he was lonely,but I couldn't continue staying there. Moving out was the best decision I could ever make, I felt more independent.

"We are here"

I paid for the ride and stepped down from the car, I had just three more minutes. I walk into the hotel, more like ran into the hotel. I finally got to the staff room, panting heavily.

"You are a minute late Leah"

I gulped "I am sorry about that, traffic was bad"

He doesn't seem to believe my lies but let it off. A girl who seems to be in her early twenties was assigned to show me around the place and what is to be done.

"How old are you Leah?" She asked after touring around for a bit.


She frowns "You are way too young to work here, you don't even have the right qualifications. How the hell did you get in? Did you fuck your way in?"

I stared at her in disbelief "You have absolutely no right to question me. Who I fucked to get in ain't your damn business. You were appointed to show me around not to meddle with my business"

Ray Of SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now