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I woke up to the sun glaring at me angrily through the window. I chuckled at my ridiculous thought and slowly stood up from the bed. It was six in the morning but it was way too bright for me.

I head into the gym and did my morning workout. Afterwards I head into the kitchen at seven,and prepared tea for myself. I sip slowly from my tea and head up to my room. I drop the empty mug on the bedside table and then head into the bathroom. I strip off my clothes and then step into the shower with a sigh. After showering and getting dressed for work, I grabbed my briefcase and head out of my room.

"Good morning sir"

I nodded briefly at her in response and walk out of the house. Getting into the car, Rachel enters soon after,and the car slowly drive off.

"What's my schedule?"

"You have a meeting with black enterprise at 11,and then a board meeting by 2. You are expected by your parents for dinner by 7"

I sighed "Cancel the dinner by 7"

"But Sir, your mother won't like that"

I glared at her "You have been my Secretary for five years Rachel, I don't think you would want to get fired"

She gulps "I am sorry sir. I will cancel it,and maybe reschedule?"


"Sorry! I won't nag at you anymore"

Rachel became my Secretary five years ago. She was fresh out of college, which made me reluctant to accept her. She was quite persistent about the job,so I accepted her and I am glad I did.

"Have a nice day Smith" Rachel spoke with a smile as we stepped down from the car.

I walk into Alfonso's enterprises with Rachel right behind me, I was greeted by the receptionist and some staff on the way to the elevator. Rachel was about to step in with me,but with a single glare she stepped back. No one is allowed to invade my personal space, she has to know her place. The elevator dings and I walked out,getting into my office, I took a Sit on the executive chair.

Soon Rachel walks in with a frown on her face, she placed my briefcase on the table and then walked out yet again. She returns with my mug of tea and some files.

"You have to go through those files,and here is your tea"

I took a sip from the tea,before glancing at the file "I do not need an assistant"

"Yes you do sir"

"Why would I need an assistant? Isn't that your job?"

"No sir. I applied to be your secretary, not your damn maid. You need an assistant to attend to your demands, I can't keep running around to get you your tea,or lunch. I can't keep it up sir,its not my duty and you know that"

I slammed my palms on the desk "Know your fucking place!!"

She smirks "You can't fire me Alejandro, and you know that"

"Just because you have my mother to side you at all course, doesn't mean it will last forever"

She pouts "But I am cute, and freaking innocent!! Can't you see that? Get a fucking assistant"

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