I let out a loud moan as he pounds into me faster and harder. I grip his biceps tightly, lost in the pleasure. It felt so damn good,I haven't had such a nice fuck in a while. With a groan,he released on the condom and pulled out of me.

I didn't cum, again.

He tossed the bills at me and got dressed quickly, I laid on the bed watching him quietly. He pecks my lips and then, walks out of the room. With a sigh, I pick up the money and I was glad he paid extra.

I sluggishly stood up from the bed,and grabbed my thin robe from the floor. I wrapped it around my naked body and head out of the room, I couldn't care less that I was completely naked with only a see through robe on. Everyone at moonlight don't give a fuck about that, after all we are slut's.

I push the restroom door opened and I was glad I found an empty stall,I vomited yet again feeling nothing but disgust with myself. I stood up and head towards the mirror with a sigh, I splash water on my face over and over again before leaving the bathroom and heading back to the room. I tossed my robe aside and got dressed in the lingerie set which was placed on the bed. Then I grabbed my purse and tossed my money in before heading out.

"You okay girl?" Melanie, who is a stripper asked as I walked into the dressing room.

I nodded "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

She shrugged and turned away from me. I took a sit on my vanity and retouched my makeup and pull my hair into a ponytail. Erica and cam uses the VIP changing room, only those in phase two are allowed to use that. You get free lingeries when you are there, and your own stylist.

At the end of my shift, I was called in by Sir Elsher into his office. I put on my denim jacket, and grab my bag before walking into his office. I knock twice on the door before twisting the knob opened, I could clearly see the girl underneath the table, who has his dick deep in her mouth.

"Come in Leah"

I shut the door and slowly approached him, he looks completely intoxicated. The cocaine on the table scared me shitless, with a gulp I took a sit.

"Get the fuck out" for a moment I feared he was referring to me, but then I remembered the girl underneath the table. She slowly rose up to her feet,with her lips swollen and tears in her eyes. She doesn't spare a glance at me, and quickly ran out of the office.

"You are promoted to phase two"

My eyes widened in shock "What do you mean by that? I never asked to be promoted"

"Well you did"

"Sir,it must be a misunderstanding. I never asked to be promoted, I won't go. I am perfectly fine in phase one,its more than enough for me and my daughter"

He glared at me "When you are promoted to phase two, you can't back out. The only way out,is to pack your shit and get the fuck out of moonlight"

I gasped. I can't believe this is happening to me, I couldn't afford to get fired. I loved working at moonlight, it pays me well. How the hell did I get promoted? Someone must be behind this.

"But sir..."

He leaned back on his executive chair "You only got two choices doll"

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