I stare at myself in the full length mirror and let out a shaky breath. Everything is such a mess for me, all because of a fucking mistake. I got kicked out of the diner when I was four months along, their words were we can't keep someone like you with us. I was beyond devastated and I am getting really desperate. A lot of bills keeps coming in, and I am due for rent soon.

My phone dings and I sighed seeing it was a text from grandpa. I slowly step out from the bathroom and head back into the room. I turn nineteen in a few days, everything is such a mess. I really need to see my grandpa, he would be so disappointed in me, but I know I can't prolong this forever. So I throw on a hoodie and leggings, I pull my hair into a messy bun, and head out of the house. I took the bus because my broke ass couldn't afford a cab.

"You can do it Leah!! You are stronger than this!! Whatsoever happens, I will suck it up" I muttered repeatedly until I got to the doorstep, I knock twice on the door and soon it was opened by aunt cora.

"What brings you over here Miranda?"

I forced a smile trying to calm my nerves, I wasn't expecting her to be here. I knew I couldn't go back now,grandpa won't hesitate to come find me. He has tried hard to pay me a visit for the past few months, but I turned him down. I couldn't possibly face him,I was too embarrassed to do so.

"Is grandpa in?"

She rolled her eyes, stepping aside for me to come in. I slowly walked in and head into the kitchen, I push open the backdoor which leads me to the garden. I knew grandpa would be there, he always spends his time in there.


He slowly looks up from the plant he was watering, he grins widely dropping the watery can to the floor and embraced me. I felt overwhelmed being in his arms,tears wells up in my eyes and I decided to hug him back. He pulls away after a while and stared at me,I look down at my feet's unable to look at him.

"Miranda, are you willing to speak?"

I move over to the bench and he sits besides me. I felt so ashamed, he is the only one who has ever truly cared about me,not even my parents did. But now,I have disappointed him so much and I can't possibly explain myself for what I did.


I let out a shaky breath "I am f-five months pregnant"

"W-what?" He stuttered.

I clutch my fist tightly "I am so sorry, I am sorry for disappointing you. I let pleasure get the best of me and I wasn't careful. I should have thought about how it would ruin my life, but I didn't. I am so sorry grandpa, I made a terrible mistake"

He sighs "Who is the father?"

"I had a one night stand with him, so I don't really know him"

Before he could respond, aunt cora yanked me up to my feet's and slapped me hard on my cheek. I bit back a whimper and stare at her bitterly, she has a disgusted look in her eyes as she stared down at me.

She was about to hit me again but grandpa intervened "Enough cora! Everyone makes mistake. She is still a child"

Aunt cora snorted "Child?!! Mistake? She is an embarrassment to our family!! She doesn't even know who the father is!! How could she raise a child when she is just eighteen? And worst she hasn't even gone to college!!"

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