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I stared down at Leah Jordan's picture, unable to get my eyes away. She seems familiar to me, but I can't comprehend where I knew her from.

"Alejandro,are you even listening?"

I sighed, shutting the file "Of course"

He scoffs "I booked a meeting with Elsher St'james already"


"Yes. He refused to meet anywhere else but moonlight,so you have to go over there by 8pm"

I nodded "Thank you Stepan"

"What do you plan to do with her? She is one of the best girls at moonlight, she is going to be expensive"

"I don't care about that, money isn't an issue for me"

He poured a shot of whiskey for himself and downed it down "Suit yourself man. Ophelia and I have a date tonight, so I have a lot of shit to prepare"

"Isn't it just a date?"

"It's our 10 years anniversary"

"Congrats man"

He hums "Good luck with the meeting, I have to go now"

I nodded and I watch him walk out of my office. Ten years of commitment to one person is something I can't ever picture myself doing, it's sickening to me. The last relationship I had lasted for about a year, when I could no longer stay committed to her, I broke up with her. Which is why at the age of 34,I wasn't married and I don't plan on doing so.

At 7pm,I drive out of the office and head over to my penthouse. Getting home, I opened my fridge and sighed realizing it was empty. I dial Rachel's number and she picked up on the second ring.

"You left without me and you have the audacity to call me now?"

"I gave you my card to have my fridge restocked"

She chuckled nervously "About that,it slipped my mind"

"Your mind?"

"Yes,I totally forgot about it. I will have it restocked tomorrow"

"You left the office for two hours today, I got debited Rachel"

"Oh come on Alejandro!!Go eat out or order something. I shopped for a bit with your card, after all what is yours is mine"

I was beyond pissed off by her words and hung up. If it wasn't for the fact that she got my mother hooked, she would have been fired a long time ago. I head upstairs and took a shower and then got dressed, I grab my key and my wallet, and then walk out of the penthouse.

I arrived at moonlight in 25 minutes and found a spot to park, before stepping out from the car. I was thoroughly searched by the bouncer before I was allowed to go in, it was quite crowded. The strippers dancing on the pole was quite a sight to behold, I shook my head and chuckled a bit before heading to the bar.

"I have a meeting with your boss"

The Blondie behind the counter gawked at me openly, unable to speak. The guy next to her nudge her back to reality.

"Sorry about that, I will take you to him" the Blondie finally spoke up.

We walked together for a while and I could tell she was intimidated by me, suddenly someone bumped into me. I look down at the child who has a pout on her face, I squat down to her size and helped her up.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded "I am sorry"

I ruffle her hair "You shouldn't apologize, it's fine"

Ray Of SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now