"Get your ass over here gia!!"

She slowly walks over to me with her head down. I huffed with my hands on my hip, she slowly looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"What have you done wrong gia?"

She pouted "I am sorry mom"

"What have you done wrong gia?" I repeated.

"I shouldn't have touched your things"

I sighed unable to keep on being mad at her. I was beyond pissed off when I returned from the kitchen and found her face filled with makeup. I have lectured her about it over and over again, but she always does it again.

"This is the third time gia, third time!! You are way too young for this"

Her bottom lip wobbles "It won't happen again mom,I am sorry"

I sighed and crouched down to her height "Its okay baby girl. Promise me it won't happen again"

"I promise mommy"

I cup her face and place a kiss on her forehead, she wraps her little arms around me and I hugged her little frame back. I pulled back after a while and lead her into the kitchen, I place her on the kitchen counter and fill a glass with milk for her.

"Drink slowly"

She nodded and slowly sip from her drink. For the past five years, it hasn't been easy for me. But I am glad I kept her, I am glad I didn't abort her. She has made my life complete and I won't trade her for anything.

"Are you leaving tonight again?" She asked softly handing me her glass.

"Aren't you excited to spend the night with grandpa?"

She pouts "Please take me with you mom. Aunt cora doesn't like me"

I knew I couldn't keep her there all the time,but I have no choice. I can't take her with me to work, grandpa is the only one I trust to keep her safe. I know aunt cora doesn't like her, but I know she would be safe with grandpa.

"I know baby. I promise to take you with me someday, but not tonight"


I cut her off "How about this? I will take you to the park tomorrow and get you ice cream"

She grins "Yay!!"

"Promise to be good to grandpa?"

"I promise!!"

I dropped her off at grandpa's before heading to work. Deciding to work at moonlight five months after gia was born, was the best decision for me. I wasn't certain about it at first, but I needed the money. Grandpa was able to sell the house and I used the money on gia and saved some for her future. But I knew it wasn't enough, so I decided to work at moonlight. It wasn't easy, but I knew I had to for gia's sake.

"Hey Tommy" I smiled at the bouncer when I got to moonlight.

"Right on time,boss came in a while ago"

I gulped and hurriedly walked in. I knew I was a few minutes late, boss is going to punish me for coming in late. I head straight to his office, I knock twice on his door before walking in.

Ray Of SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now