"Mommy,why does aunt Cora hates me?"

I was stunned by her question, but I knew it was bound to happen. I knelt down to her height and she has a cute pout on her face.

"She doesn't hate you baby. She is passing through a lot right now, but I ensure you that soon she would treat you right"

She grinned "Yay!!I can't wait for that mommy. I love Aunt Cora,Corey and Grandpa so much"

I gasped "What about me? Don't you love me?"

"I love you more mommy, you are the best!!!"

I embrace her small frame, feeling so damn proud of myself for bringing her into this world. She giggled as I kiss her repeatedly on her face.

"It tickles" she giggles.

I chuckled "Alright baby,I will stop. Are you excited for work?"

"Yes mommy!!"

I forced a smile at her enthusiasm, I was literally dying inside. I have no idea what to do right now, if I weren't promoted to phase two,things would have been a lot easier.

Tommy helped me park my car when I arrived at moonlight. I grab Gianna's hand and lead her through the back door, I got some questioning look from the girls in the changing room, but no one voiced it out and I was thankful for that. I Inhaled sharply as I took gia into my arms and walk up the stairs, I got to the dressing room and place gia on the couch.

"You are the new girl who got promoted right?"

I nodded "Yes"

"I am Carina. I am incharged of your makeup, and your hair"

"It's nice to meet you,I am doll"

She smirks "Everyone knows about you girl, after all you fucked sir Elsher. That is a dream come true girl!! He is so fucking hot"

I grimaced "Can we not talk about it?"

She grins "Alright fine. You brought your child? What you gonna do about her?"

I sighed "I had no one else to look after her, so I brought her in"

"Don't worry about that, I will look after her"

"Thank you so much Carina"

I look over at Gianna and I was grateful for the earpod I put on for her in the car. She was shaking her little body to the beat of whatsoever she was listening to.

It was time for my first guest and I felt nervous. I have fucked more men than I could ever count, but why do I suddenly feel nervous about it? It's your first day at phase two bitch!!! It shouldn't be that hard,I am sure of it. I looked smoking hot in the outfit and makeup Carina did, but I still couldn't get my mind off Gianna.

She is in safe arms,I will watch over her.

Carina words played in my head but I shrug it off. I twist the knob open of the VIP room, I shivered slightly as I took the first step in. I was beyond nervous, and I really hope that the client doesn't take a liking to me, otherwise I would be requested by him every damn time.

Ray Of SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now