Chapter 14

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A/N - Thank you all so much for 800+ views on this book!! I appreciate it a lot and I hope to see the story get more popular even after I end the book<3 Also I'm starting school and other activities soon so updates will be slower.

DISCLAIMER: a bit mature

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adam's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ugh they're coming over to my mansion for an entire day today. I don't even know why they would make such a request? It annoys me. Even worse Tadashi isn't giving me as much attention today because he's getting things ready for when they come over.

"Tadashi!!" I haven't seen him since this morning when he woke me up with breakfast. I didn't even get to talk to him for a bit, he just went straight to planning.

"Yes Mr. Ainosuke?" Tadashi entered the room in his usual clothing attire.

I was laying down on my bed doing nothing because tadashi cleared up my schedule for today. How boring.

"Come over here for a minute." I patted my hand on my bed signaling him to sit on it.

He quickly walked over and sat down awkwardly on it.

"What do you need sir?" He glanced behind him where I was laying down. Knowing he was suspecting me to do something. He was right. I snaked my hands around his waist while laying on my stomach.

"Drop the formalities Kikuchi we're alone~" I didn't like it when he acts assistant and boss to me when he doesn't have to.

"Right, sorry Ainosuke." He looked down at the hands in his lap trying not to make eye contact. He's been having trouble treating me like a partner instead of a boss.

"Hey look at me." I sat up beside him and grabbed his chin. We made eye contact for 3 seconds before I pulled him in for a kiss. Finally we're doing something together since this morning.

It started to get a bit heated when I added tongue making it a french kiss. I broke the kiss when Tadashi looked like he was running out of breath.

"That's enough Mr. Ainosuke I have to continue preparing for this evening!" Tadashi was trying to act tough but he was blushing like crazy so that gave it away.

"Very well then." Why did it have to end.

"How would you like the sleeping arrangements to be?" Tadashi was standing in front of me tapping away on his I pad.

"Uh let's see... Obviously Kaoru and Kojiro want to be together so the mini versions of them will be to. Let's put Langa and the red haired boy together, they seem close. Who does that leave?" I tried pairing them up to the best of my knowledge. I didn't want them to be complaining and interrupt me and Tadashi.

"That leaves Miya and Shadow sir." Tadashi said finally lookin up and meeting my gaze.

"Miya, really, a child coming here? Whatever put him and shadow it two separate rooms."

"Of course sir I'll get to it right away." He bowed and started walking towards the door to exit the room.

"Oh I also forgot something, Tadashi." I waited until he turned around to make eye contact with me.

"Come to my room after your finished before they get here." I looked at his with a devious smirk on my face.

"Of course sir." He blushed and walked out of the room. I chuckled knowing he knew what I wanted to do later.

>>>>>>>>>> Time skip to 6:12pm >>>>>>>>>>>

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cherry's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up around 6pm in a much better mood. I guess I was just tired from staying in the hospital.

"Hey Love!" It was Joe.

"Hey Kojiro" I continued to talk while stretching. I was trying to get out of bed but that still drained me.

"Feeling better?" He sat on the bed, right next to me.

"Definitely, also, sorry about before I just woke up in a bad mood." I felt kinda guilty for not talking to him about it.

"It's fine I should've did what you said." He hugged me in an attempt to comfort me. It was working-

"Other than that we have to get ready to leave soon. The drive to the mansion is half an hour so we have to leave in about an hour." He got up and headed towards our closet to pick out clothing.

"Right." I got up and headed into the living room to remind Kaoru, Miya, and Kojiro.

"Hey guys I just wanted to remind yo-" I looked up and I saw Kaoru on top of Kojiro. They both looked at me and Kaoru immediately got off of him.

"Just wanted to remind you all that we leave in an hour." I did not need to see that.

"Wait! Cher-" Kojiro tried explaining himself but I just turned around and started to walk to Miya's room. Hopefully he was doing something that's not related to anything they were doing.

I went to the door of his room and knocked.

"Miya? Can I come in?" He shouted yes from inside the room and I walked in.

"Just wanted to remind you that we're leaving in an hour so get ready." He responded with a plain "hn" not giving any attention away from his game.

I headed back to Joe and I's room to get ready and change. Hopefully Shadow, Langa, and Reki remember what time to get there.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<<<<<<Meanwhile with Adam and Tadashi>>>>>>

"Mhm~.... Sir... we don't have-hn~ time for this!"

Adam was kissing and sucking on Tadashi's neck with only half an hour's time until the event starts.

"Cmon Tadashi~ just a little bit?" Adam begged Tadashi to have a tad bit of intimacy before the guest we're going to arrive.

"Cant we do this l-later?"

Mr. Ainosuke stopped when he heard that proposal. Tadashi instantly regretted it.

"Fine we'll continue later." Adam hugged Tadashi and put his neck on his shoulder. Tadashi on the other hand was a blushing mess, realizing what he said.

They laid down on the bed within each other's embrace for about 15 more minutes until the front door door bell was rung.


"I'll go see to that sir." And with that Tadashi stood up and headed towards the door.

'What a long day this is going to be.' Is what Mr. Ainosuke thought laying in bed for just a few more minutes until he finally got up to greet his guests.

A/N - I just wanted to put a Tadashi and Adam POV in this book bc why not 🤭 I'm really sorry about not updating for a bit, I got busy-

Remember to vote if you liked the chapter as it really helps and comment if you have any!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Please drink water and stay healthy<3

Thanks for reading!!

Word count: 1142

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