Chapter Four.

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"I'm just saying, none of these guys are interesting enough to me

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"I'm just saying, none of these guys are interesting enough to me." Lacey has been going off for the last twenty minutes about all of the guys that she's been interviewing for her little summer fling. I think my parents are tired of it now, they've created a good amount of distance between us as we continue walking and exploring this island that we docked at this morning. Apparently, out of the ten guys that Lacey has interviewed, only one of them had any sort of interesting aspect to him, and it wasn't much, according to Lacey.

I continue to ignore Lacey's ranting about these guys, and I pull my phone out of my pocket. I've been procrastinating it all morning, but I think it's time to send it. Considering the fact that Josh hasn't stopped texting me or trying to call me, it's time to give him a taste of his own medicine and get him to stop trying to contact me.

Without procrastinating any further, I pick out the picture that was taken last night and I type out two words before I send it. 'Fuck off.' Maybe he actually will fuck off now. And if he doesn't, it doesn't matter because I shut off my phone the second the message went through. I don't want to take the risk of my phone being spammed with calls and messages from him.

My parents are officially tired of Lacey's rambling, and when we catch up to them, my mom turns around to look at me, a sweet smile on her face.

"Where's your friend, Lux?" She changes the subject, which makes Lacey shut her mouth. I think she took the hint.

"Not sure." I shrug. If I'm being honest, it's probably best if I didn't know. I need a break, especially after last night. It was hard enough for me to start walking this morning, if I see Colt again tonight, I think I'll become a vegetable. I mean, I wouldn't be complaining until after the fact, but that's beside the point.

Lacey doesn't start talking about her interviews again, and I know for a fact that our parents are glad about that. Instead, the conversation is switched over completely as we reach souvenir shops and our parents start roaming around, looking at all of the things that they shouldn't be buying because it's going to cost more than it should.

"Oh, this is so adorable!" My mom coos as she holds up a pink sugar skull and shows it to my dad with a giant grin on her face. I take a glance at Lacey, just to immediately catch her gaze. From the look on her face, she's thinking the same thing that I am.

If our parents buy that sugar skull, it'll probably be thrown away by next year.

They do buy it though, along with a lot of other things that will definitely be thrown away within a year, be it because it broke because it was cheaply made, or because our parents just simply have nowhere to put it, or they just don't want it anymore. They're wasting their money, but I'm not going to poke the bears.

Whatever keeps them happy keeps me happy. Kind of.

Our parents continue to roam all of the other shops nearby, meanwhile, Lacey decides to loop her arm with mine and drag me off to some other shop far from our parents. I'm not really complaining, mainly because I don't want to see all of the useless things that our parents will shove in our faces and ask us if we wanted it, when we don't.

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