Part 5: Home

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Elizabeth returned home to a scene thay was most terrifying and unexpected. Juliet had a gun in her hand, her other arm wound tight around Booker's neck, threatening to shoot him.
'You're going to do as i say, Elizabeth.' She grinned insanely. 'Or I'll kill both of you.'
'Pandora-' Elizabeth started, but Juliet cut her off.
'My name is Juliet!' She yelled. 'Pandora is the name dear father gave me.' Her eyes, cold and unfeeling, pierced into Elizabeth's.
'You opened the tear to Rapture once,' She said in a warning tone. 'You can do it again.'
'Maybe I'll help you if you put the gun away.'her 'sister' replied with a fierce scowl.
'I don't think so.' Juliet smirked. 'Do as i say or daddy will die.' Her finger tightened on the trigger.
'OK!' Elizabeth cried out. 'I'll help you! Just...let Booker go..'
Juliet released him and have a hard shove, sending him sprawling across the floor. Elizabeth pulled him to his feet, glaring at Juliet, who held the gun which was now pointed at the both of them.
'Do it.' Juliet intoned, her voice dangerously low and steady. 'Now.'
Juliet didn't realise that the tear into Rapture had always been right in front of her, in her own home. She watched, fascinated as the air rippled and distorted, then split open, revealing a different universe.
'Rapture.' Juliet whispered, astounded. 'My home.'
She ignored Booker and Elizabeth, to deep in her own strange happiness to even care. She gazed in wonder at the other side of the tear, tears springing into her eyes. When she finally turned to look at them her eyes were shining with joy and...also a strange, feral darkness, a kind of insanity, Booker thought.
'I suppose I should thank you.' She sneered. 'But after everything you did to me you're not even worth it.' She raised the gun and smiled.
'I'm going to make sure you don't follow me.'
She pulled the trigger.
*      *      *

It was Booker's heart shattering scream of pain that made Elizabeth realise Juliet hadn't killed him. Instead he was lying on the floor, blood flowing from a bullet wound in his leg. Juliet seemed satisfied with the reaction  and turned away.
That was when Elizabeth called after her:
'He's dead!' Her voice was sharp and angry. 'There's no point chasing a dead man who can't tell you anything!'
She saw Juliet visibly shudder.
'Nothing you can say will stop me.' Her voice was hollow and empty, void of all expression.  'I want to find out who I used to be.'
The air distorted once more as she stepped through the tear, into the place she had once called home.

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