Chapter 06🔞

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A/n: Smut warning  (oral sex - fem receiving; vaginal sex) ⚠️Since some people wanted such a scene, here it is.


This was hard to admit. But you really wanted to give something to your Sensei on your second anniversary. It's like your second anniversary. Therefore, the best thing would be to give him something he will like.

You remember those moments two years ago. Everything that happened two years ago... That's all.

This should be a bad memory. Because then you kind of died for other people. And you lost your former life. You lost what you had. You lost that life. And you regained what you always wanted to have. You gained a life with your sensei as you wanted.

You were an adult. He was older than you.

Your relationship is real.

You do everything real couples do.

Including intimacy.

You could have sex from the time you were 16. Because that's the law. However, he was older, and he didn't want you to enter too quickly into something that would become too deep for you.

He said he would wait for you until you were definitely ready.

Even though you were legally allowed to do whatever you wanted, he didn't want to force you. Because you were still younger and weren't completely ready. At least according to him.

He wanted to wait until you were an adult. And he would only do something like that for you when you were one hundred percent sure that this is what you wanted.

Why? Because his psyche forbade him from doing anything with you when you were younger than him. He was 28 and you were 16. That's why he didn't want you to lose your innocence when you could hold it..

On your 18th birthday, you did something the most daring and maybe not very responsible. You asked your sensei for your first intimate night together.

And he, knowing that you were aware of what you wanted and that you knew it was something you wanted, did it for you.

Giving you your first night like this.

He picked a cherry from the tree.

He ate the fruit and enjoyed the taste and smell. He was pleased with how plump and delicious the fruit was.

And you wanted to give your only cherry to him.

The first such intimate contact, and you knew that you had entered a completely new threshold in your relationship.

A completely new road lies ahead of you.
Because you could no longer think of him as your sensei or you as his student. Because such a line has already been blurred between you. Completely blurred.

There is no longer a teacher-student relationship. Now it's just you. You wanted to give him something special.

You are afraid that he may feel uncomfortable knowing that two years ago you were a first year at Jujutsu High as his student. A student who was shy and quiet. A student who couldn't cope with training at all. A student who asked for additional extracurricular activities. A student who needed help getting stronger.
You cannot grow stronger without understanding your own Jujutsu technique. That's why you couldn't do it, being low.
That's why you wanted to avoid mentioning that he was your teacher.

You don't talk about what happened at school and about school. But he likes it when you call him Sensei. He feels so nice then. Because when that word comes out of your mouth, it sounds so sweet.
There was only one other person besides you who said his name so sweetly.

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