Chapter 07

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"Yo! Sensei! We haven't seen you in such a good mood for a long time!"

Has he ever been in a bad mood? After all, his mood had been unchanged for two years. He has been happy with his life for two years!

But maybe he really was brighter now?

And this can only be due to the fact that he woke up with the memory of last night.

Is seeing your red, wet and fucked up face something that makes him feel better? It looks.

The white-haired man turned around in the corridor, looking at the pink-haired man who ran up to him.

The young adult had the same smile on his face that he always had at school.

"How was the mission, Yuji?" he asked, shaking his hand in greeting.

"I tried to get back to school as soon as possible."

"Ooh? I don't believe teenagers love going to school!" he laughed and invited his former student into his office to sit and talk.

"Fushiguro and Kugisaki should be here soon. How are the first years doing?"

"On a mission at the moment."


"They are to check an old building where noises were heard at night. It could be a curse, or just some animal." He sat awkwardly in his chair.

"I would also like to have such missions! So easy! As a grade 1 sorcerer, I can't count on something like that, right?"

"As a special grade sorcerer, I cannot count on any mission that would be as quick as the blink of an eye. Even though it's like that for me." He put his cheek on his hand. "I heard there is a special occasion for which you came here quickly."

"Yeah, this–."

The door suddenly opened, revealing Kugisaki and Fushiguro.

The girl looked at the pink-haired man with small scars on his face.

"You were supposed to wait for us at the entrance!" She shouted, regardless of the fact that she was at school.

The longer skirt of her uniform was rolled up as she sat on the small couch against the wall. Her longer hair fell over her shoulders. Brown and red ombre on her head.

Fushiguro, who had changed the least out of all of them, sat next to her. Because his hair was just a little shorter.

The only person who hadn't changed at all out of all of them was you.

According to them, you had no way to change because you lost your life.

According to Gojo, you haven't changed because you look almost the same. Except your body has grown as it should.

Making you even more beautiful than you were before.

Gojo hasn't changed either. He's the same. Everything as it was.

"Sensei, this Occasion –."

"Gojo-san, how long have you been talking without us?" the girl asked, ignoring the fact that Itadori was talking.

"Actually, we've only just started." He replied.

They didn't have to call him sensei. Only you said that.

But Satoru-Sensei was different than Gojo-Sensei. Because you called Satoru-Sensei, affectionately. You said that to him with love.

"What happened?"

"I was just asking Yuji about the occasion you came for." he explained to her, gesturing towards her classmate.

"Oh... Continue..." she said suddenly, being quiet and calm. Suddenly so serious.

"A few days ago was the second anniversary of (l/n)'s death... We didn't want anyone to think that we didn't remember her. That's why we wanted to come here."

After the pink haired man's explanation, there was an awkward silence in the room.

Well, they experienced the loss of a classmate. To them you are dead. For them, you are no longer in the world. You were their age, they knew you. And now you were gone for them. Because you died at 16. Death at a young age, something no one wanted. Anyone could regret that this happened to you...

Nothing could undo 'it'.

Death cannot be undone.

Especially since your body hasn't been found.

And the only person who didn't care was Gojo. Because for him you didn't die. He has been seeing you every day for two years, hugging you and kissing you. For two years you have always been with him. That's why he didn't feel sad when his former students talked about it.

"Tomorrow we go to the cemetery together."

"It's nice of you to remember her like that." he said with his thumb on his chin.

"We went to class with her. We were at the site of her death. We all could have died there, but this curse targeted her..."

"It was..." the short-haired man with a scar between his eyes began when he heard the girl's statement.

"Anniversary of the death?" White-haired muttered.

"(l/n) died two years ago..."

"..." His face looked thoughtful.

"Sensei, you remember (l/n), right?"

He tilted his head, looking at him from under the black blindfold.

Could anyone think that he would forget about the best student? About someone who cuddles up to him every morning and sleeps soundly in his arms?

"Who do you think I am, Yuji? How could I forget (y/n)-chan?”

"That's fine! Sorry... I just started to think you didn't remember what happened." He smiled at him.

"Maybe I'm not good at remembering random people's names. But I could never forget (y/n).”

From the corner of his eye, the white-haired man saw the dark-haired man on the edge of the couch look at him. As if analyzing more than others.

Megumi was always so...

He already suspected something earlier... When you were still at school. He has already shown something like suspicion towards Gojo.

His favorite student is you? You spend the most time with him. But the way he took care of you was even different than the one he knew. He had known Gojo for so many years. And he knew that what he was giving you was not ordinary care. It was something he had never experienced, despite spending almost fourteen years with him.

The white-haired man knew that Megumi was suspicious and didn't believe everything he said. Even though he trusted his sensei as someone he could trust with his life.

Something was wrong. His facial expression. Indifference in the voice when the pink-haired man talked about your grave.

He was indifferent... Even though he felt the loss of his loved ones very strongly.

So why was there such indifference in his voice?

But as long as Gojo doesn't show anything that might make them suspicious, everything will be fine.

Hide you from the world of Jujutsu. Hide you from the whole world. Assure you that you will not suffer and miss. Ensure that you will be the happiest. This was what he had to do.

Hide you and hide with you for the rest of your life. Forever. To ensure that nothing and no one will tear you apart.

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