Even though it doesn't make sense

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It is crazy how you chose me.
You looked right through a pool of people and your heart decided to see my soul. Chose to see me!
The day our eyes locked in on each other simultaneously. Our hearts touched right before our skin did and, it felt amazing.

No, it is illogical how you stayed. After all the times we loved to hate but then hated that we loved? The way we fiercely defended our egos and blended our libidos? It makes no sense!

It's definitely absurd how we stopped: loving, talking, arguing, living, breathing.
After all of that? After the yearn, and years of
tearing down and building up
and tearing down and building up
and tearing down?

I guess you would say it's ridiculous too.
I mean, after all this time I still remember what your aura smells like; forever.
Every time I walk past that building, shop, or restaurant my heart skips a beat.
Every time I hear that song, lay on your side of the bed, and taste that flavour; it's a bittersweet feeling of melancholy, wistfulness, and "once upon a time passion".

I suppose everything now makes sense.
Despite your departure, you stuck with me. And I'm aware that I stayed with you as well.
Because we never really left, that is. You see, even after we've figured out the riddle and the hint, we take our feelings from the escape room with us as the price to pay for our humanity.

You still think it doesn't make sense?
Well, how could it?

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