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"Light come up with an explanation, don't give me that excuse, you're just imposing your work on me."


"Hello?!- Uh? Mm.... Okay Nechiko-Chan." The conversation didn't hold out for a whole minute when you dragged Light by his hand, towards the hall room. "Light, switch on the telivision and change to sakura TV." Light looked you as if asking what's wrong, but you gave him one more shout making him quickly follow on your words.

"-Please understand this is not a hoax and that we are not broadcasting these tapes purely for sensationalism."

"What's going on." Light asked as he took seat beside you. He looked at you when he got no reply back to his question, then back at the TV, after seeing you so edgerly watching at live news.

"Four days ago, our program director was sent these four tapes. Without a doubt they were sent by Kira." It showed the clip of a video tape with a note given on side saying 'MESSAGE FROM KIRA 4 VIDEOS' "The first tape announced the time of death of two suspected felons, arrested yesterday. As predicted, they died of heart attacks."

'What the- it's not me. A publicity stunt perhaps?' Light thought as he continued watching the news beside you.

"And Kira has instructed us to air the second video today at exactly 5:59 PM. It foretells another death to prove that he's Kira, and also contains a message to people all over the world."

"Y/n do you think it's some kind of publicity stunt?" He side glance at you, making you do the same.

"Don't know yet but there are possibilities." Then the screen changed and showed the word Kira written in english, soon followed by a synchronize voice.

"I'm kira." As voice spoked you, glance towards Light, watching his moment. There was split second his eyes nerrowed but came back as soon as it appears like it wasn't there. "If this video was aired on April 18, at exactly 5:59 PM, the time now is 5:59:47... 48... 49." You watched the time ticking according as the voice says. "Please change the channel to Taiyo TV. The anchor, Mr. Kazuhiko Hibima will die of a heart attack at exactly six O'clock."

Before you could ask Light to change the channel he was on toe. You saw the limp body of the TV anchor sitting on his chair as soon as channel changed. Light stare at it, same as you. 'He's dead' The staff members panicked, checking the body of now dead man and asking to stop the live telecast. "Light back to Sakura TV." He came out from his stance and change the channel.

"Mr. Hibima continued to refer to Kira as evil on air. This was his punishment." Your eyes nerrowed at the statement. "There shall be another victim."

- Death to those who badmouthing Kira despite they not being in his way.

"My next target is NHN TV commentator, Mr. Seiji Kumaizumi. He has continued to condemn me. He is scheduled to appear live..."

Quickly channel changed into 24 and you saw the commentator's head falling back on his chair while he clutched his chest in pain. "I trust you now believe that I'm Kira."

-Unwanted attention, on that, on Live TV.

"Killing two people just to prove that he's Kira." 'That's so unlike you Kira.' You commented, getting Light's attention.

"What you think?" Asked Light, but you shrugged with a shake of head even you have tons of points to make but it's still not over yet.

"Please listen to me carefully. I don't want to kill the innocent." Even tho he just did that making you and Light's brow furrowed. "I hate evil and love justice. I consider the police as allies and not my enemy. My goal is to create a world without evil."

"Even tho he consider police as his allies, he won't hesitate to send them on death's door if they become trouble on his way." You point out loudly, remembering the deaths of all those FBI agents who was assigned to a task and ended up being killed just because they were in Kira's way.

"If everyone cooperates, this will be simple. If you do not try to capture me, the innocent will not die." It isn't a news, it's a clear indicating theory that you and L discover long ago. If it's not criminals then it'll be innocent lives. "Even if you don't agree with me refrain from publicizing your view in the media or in public. And you will be spared. Also please be patient. I'll create a better world for everyone. I'll change this tainted world into a new one inhabited by only good, kindhearted people. Imagine it. Together the police of the world and I will create it a better place for all who deserves this."

"What does he think it is, a strawberry world? There's no value of a coin who got only one side of it." You greeted your teeth, fuming by the words you heard from a mere video tape as if it was a walking person spouting nonsense infront of you.

Light who heard your remark, clenched his fist in anger for ruined his reputation, not just in front of anyone but infront of you. He was taking side glances at you, his fury raising as he saw your fingers curling up into a fist.

'The image I've been trying to maintain for so long infront of her, shattering just like that? So awful.' Light thought to himself.

"We're sorry to interrupt this program to bring you live footage from the the front of the sakura TV studio." You heard the TV reporter's voice and soon camera zoomed infront of TV studio's main gate where a dead person was laying of the floor. A police car, not so far distance away from there, making your breath hitched. 'What happen to 'Police are my allies' comment' "It seems someone has collapsed! We're currently right in front of Sakura TV studio!"

"Kira killed an officer?" Light asked in disbelief, same thought going through his mind but with different theories and facts. "He might be there somewhere."

"Indeed he was there but I don't think it's Kira. Someone else killed him." Your eyes not leaving the TV screen when you made the comment making Light shock at your instant shot.

"How can you be so certain?" He asked narrowing his eyes on you. "It might be Kira. You just saw how he died, didn't you?" He was baffled and somewhat pleased at your words for some unknown reasons. Maybe it was the fact that you managed to catch that it wasn't him as a Kira and whatever bad mindset you have in your mind is not directly towards him.

"It was someone else who possess the same kind of power as kira."

"I'm still not getting where this coming from. Exactly on which basis you're saying this." Light leaned closer to you, not adverting his eyes from your side profile. He was staring at your hard expression which was fixed on the TV, in some way mesmerized at this expression of yours.

He knows he sounds creepy to say that, right now you don't look yourself at all, you looks- no, you feels more captivating and he don't know why he feels like exploring you- this you to be exact and something in him tells him that it's not gonna be that easy.

You turned your head toward him, your expression went back to it's previous one as your somewhat beautiful eyes (According to him.) now staring at his. Now you seems more like sham person, like an artificial flower which was given color by someone else and not it's natural. For him, this personality of yours.... It doesn't suits you, as if he's seeing you over the surface, not underneath.

"I know you're smart Light so I don't think I have to explain it on detail, so listen, like you see I'm persuing Law and because of that I'm really into Kira." You motion from your hand. "Umm like-" You thought for your next word carefully, which won't give out too much and explain him as well at the same time. "You know like, umm.... you can take Kira as my lover."

"Huh?" You chuckled at his reaction, it was expected but it's still funny to see him like that.

"I'm just giving you an example. As a person you know your lover more than themselves. What they like what they don't, how they tend to hold their work and yada-yada, if some imposter comes. It's easy to distinguish between them." 'Even easier when you're a top detective.' "Same as that there are points which makes this person different from my Kira." And second I know you're the real Kira who is sitting here bewilder. "Don't say you didn't noticed." You smirked at him, leaning forward making him lean back and straighten himself.

"I had the same theory but I wasn't as confident as you." He shrugged. "I want to know your points."

"Well don't go 'Oh Y/n you're so smart' after hearing me." You looked smug, folding your hands and giving him all mocking tone you could muster. Like hell it's not that hard for the fact that how you used to say the same thing to your old competitor. "Well, this imposter gave out because, first, he's killing innocents while my Kira isn't like that. He strongly believes to protect weak and innocent, even tho he's not totally always do that." There was split seconds where Light felt all goofy when you called him yours but soon dulled when you completed the sentence.

"For as long as I know Mr. Kazuhiko Hibima was badmouthing Kira for a long time. He could've taken action that time but he didn't. There could be reason that why he didn't killed him before and why now, it maybe because he want to kill him infront of everyone like right now in live telecast but that doesn't prove my next point and that is-" Light heard as you go on, not even missing a beat.

He truly felt like you know him more that he knows himself but at the same time he felt that he don't know you at all, and that wasn't fair for him. He felt threatened but in a good way.

In reality both parties knows each other's alternative form beyond a doubt, where you were more aware of Kira and somewhat Light himself, he was just aware of your facade and not the real you.

"-That is, Kira is more into holding the low profile. He don't like unwanted attention. like sending tapes to broadcast and making people aware of his killing. He barely wants to get engaged into any publicity for any slip ups." From the corner of your eyes you saw that Light was impressed, atleast that what you wanna assume from his looks, but you can't be so sure. He would've thought about all those theories- no, he already have thought about that, afterall it's not him.

He chuckled, leaning again to your side. "I underestimated you. You're way more smarter than I thought." You would be feeling too-high but that's not the case here. It felt like he's studying you or something. Your heart skipped a beat at the feasible possibilities. "Oh, how can I forget Ryu- I mean L asked for your assistant too." He slowly filled the gap between you two, his arms gently touching yours but still he didn't stopped.

Your eyes slowly gone wide as you stared at him in startlement. 'What the heck he's up to?' "That beautiful face sometimes gave away how smart you're. I just wish-" before he could finish his words, a loud crashing sound from TV caught both your attention, making you focus your gaze on TV instead of the person beside you who lightly scowl.

A police van cashing into the glass door of the TV studio, shattering it into pieces, making it's way inside and vanished from the eyes of the camera.

You stare in amazement as the whole thing took place like a movie scene. 'Who's this?' You asked yourself, still amazed.

"They finally made their way inside." Light said.

"Whoever it is, they're so daring to do that. I became a fan." Your eyes not leaving the TV screen for any update, as you dreamily said. Soon a police car spoted by camera and two police officer rushed outside nevertheless collapsed without making their way further.

What was worst is that the cameraman and TV reporter also moved away for the sake of their life. Shutting the only window to watch everything play.

You sigh and leaned back on your seat with a visible frown. They again killed some innocent lives.'Despite knowing the consequences, they're still fulfilling their duty. Without any care of what will happen next.' You thought police won't get involve theirselves seeing who they're dealing with, but now they're standing against some unspecified power just to defeat their people with their lives on line, now you're more fired up to despicable Kira's facade and more determine to found out this second supposed to be Kira.


"Kira is a bad person." You said out loud, enough for him to hear as your eyes slowly meet his anticipated one. "This one is worse. He thinks it's for the mankind, but someone tell him that he's doing more bad than good. Playing with innocent's life isn't called justice at all. I don't care about those criminals anymore but at the point where he started to kill innocent people, to me he was bad. If I ever get a chance to say to people that Kira is not someone they should worship, I'll say it infront of whole world." His expression flattened a bit. Eyes showing mixture of some negative and positive emotions, but so hard to point out all those.

As you listen to TV reporter saying he's not afraid of Kira and police rejected Kira's offer, even going further and telling his name without a hint of fear, you just watched it for a minute before standing up. "I'm leaving. I had enough for today. I have to work on an assignment."

"Let me walk you home?" He followed behind you to the door, but you stopped him before he could even put on his shoes.

"I'm taking long route. I need some ideas and long walk may help me. Thanks for the offer by the way." You send him a small smile befor turning to the door "Light, tell me when L contact you. I can't wait to assist him on this case."

"Okay!" He let out louder than he intended, making you give him small smile before exiting through the door, closing it behind.

You both clenched your fist from each side of the door, smile slowly fading from both of your lips Simultaneously. Head hanging low, casting shadow on your nerrowed eyes but with different reasons.

Both who were highly affected by today's incident, furious at the same time but with different reasons, one who was furious at someone for making him look down infront of the very person he never thought he could let himself down and other was furious at the whole spectacle that pulled off today.

'I have to eliminate this person at any cost.'

'We have to found this person at any cost.'

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