0 - Prologue

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The World is finished.

Finished as in lifeless, dead, eradicated, ended.

A gloomy shroud hangs over the desolate landscape, drenched in an eternal silence that echoes the annihilation of all that once thrived. Once bustling cities now lie in ruins, their towering skyscrapers reduced to rubble. Nature, once vibrant and enchanting, now withers away, its once vibrant hues transformed into a monotonous palette of desolation.

Hope seems like a distant memory, as the remnants of humanity wander, burdened by the weight of their shattered dreams and extinguished aspirations. The air is heavy with despair, and the souls of the few survivors are consumed by a profound sense of loss, etched deep into their weary hearts.

The World has succumbed to the catastrophe of a beast, and the remnants of life tread through this forsaken realm, resigned to a fate devoid of redemption.

In the depths of the unrecognizable land of what was once known as Arizona, its deserts now filled with craters, crystal-like substances, and broken weapons, a battle looms on the horizon.

The scorched earth beneath his feet whispers a haunting dirge as if mourning the lost promise of a vibrant land. A broken man stands wounded, his body a tapestry of scars that bear witness to the countless conflicts he has endured.

Tattered garments cling to his frame, barely concealing the fatigue that weighs him down. His once vibrant and determined eyes now carry the burden of sorrow, reflecting the countless lives lost and the pain that courses through his veins.

Shirou Emiya, the Heroic Spirit renowned and fated to be the "Counter Guardian," finds himself drawn to this desolate land, pulled by an unseen force that knows only destruction. As he maintains his shaking foot onto the decaying ruins, the air crackles with a sense of impending doom.

Shirou scans his surroundings, his sharp eyes discerning the telltale signs of a powerful adversary. His heart pounds in his chest as he contemplates the nature of this imminent threat that wouldn't stay down. This is no ordinary battle; this is a clash that could reshape the very fabric of existence. And Shirou knows that his role as a defender of humanity demands his unwavering commitment to confront this danger head-on.

A guttural shriek echoes through the barren wasteland, shaking the very ground beneath his feet. In front of him, the beast stands up. A monstrous figure re-emerges—an otherworldly creature known as an alien life form that landed on Earth thousand years ago.

A foreign being that killed all lives that approached it at a speed that rivaled the Primate Murder. A spider-like creature covered with a harder and more flexible outer skin, filled with sharp skins that is deadly that any substances that existed on Earth. Its 40+ meter body is material analogous to keratin.

Once believed to be a common horror story to Magi that parents use to say to scare children into behaving, it was an Ultimate One from the Oort Cloud surrounding the edges of the galaxy.

The 5th of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, the One Radiance Thing.


With every step it takes, the ground quivers and turns to an unknown crystal, as if in fear of this formidable beast. Its grotesque form twists and writhes, emanating an aura of primal terror that sends shivers down a Servant's spine.

As ORT locks its face with Shirou, its stare burns with an unyielding hunger, as if it seeks to consume not just his flesh, but his very essence, his Spirit Origin.

Shirou remains steadfast, his posture unwavering, as he prepares to face this cosmic menace. The weight of his duty settles upon his shoulders, a burden he willingly bears, for he knows that the lives of countless innocents hang in the balance.

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