6 - Coeur and Blood (Part 1)

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Laeticia sat in her present classroom, attentively listening to the French History and Geography teacher lecture about the intricate details of important historical events and geographic features. Unlike many of her peers who seemed disinterested and engaged in various distractions, Laeticia was captivated by the subject matter. She firmly believed that a deep understanding of French history and geography was not only essential for academic success but also a valuable tool in shaping her worldview and enhancing his analytical skills.

Laeticia diligently took notes, careful to record every bit of information shared by the teacher. She knew that the knowledge she was acquiring would go far beyond textbooks and exams. It would provide her with a broader perspective on the cultural, social, and political dynamics of France, allowing her to better comprehend the complexities of the nation's past and present. She marveled at the connections she could draw between historical events and geographic features, recognizing how they influenced each other and shaped the destiny of France.

Laeticia's enthusiasm for French history and geography extended beyond the classroom. She often found herself craving to uncover more insights into the nation she had grown fond of. She recognized that this knowledge not only expanded her understanding of France but also enhanced her ability to appreciate the cultural heritage and traditions of its people.

While some of her classmates may have seen French History and Geography as mere academic subjects, Laeticia understood their true significance. She understood that history shapes the future and geography helps people grasp the intricacies of the world they live in. Through her diligent study and appreciation of French history and geography, Laeticia aspired to become more than a mere bystander, hoping to contribute to the preservation and celebration of France's remarkable legacy for generations to come.

"Are you enjoying History and Geography?" A voice asked from the back of her mind.

Laeticia nodded, necessary given that she was supposed to know this world's French history or geology and any of the various languages and cultures than what she studied. "It is very interesting," She responded without missing a beat.

"The teacher talks about such important events like Waterloo, which I am sure will prove significant to my future career as a historian."

"What career are you going to pursue?" Asked the voice.

"Historians aren't exactly too famous." Her voice was filled with skepticism and doubt. "And if you don't think historians can be successful, what else do you hope to learn through French History and Geography? How to play the piano, perhaps? Or maybe teach math? You're so pretty, I bet you could manage to get yourself an acting job."

"You worry too much, Jeanne," said Laeticia with a smile. "History is not about how smart I am, it is about how good I think I am."

"I guess that makes sense. So what does the teacher expect you to learn today?" Her other half, Jeanne's voice, sounded.

"The class has already covered Napoleon's campaign in 1798 and Napoleon's defeat in 1806, so he wants us to cover the period from 1808 to 1813. The last few years of Louis Napoleon's reign are being discussed, so he expects us to analyze those years as well," Laeticia replied.

She noticed several students in the front row staring directly at her, obviously wondering why she was talking to no one. "Sorry." She mumbled quietly.

This time around, she heard nothing. It made sense; Jeanne usually chatted with her all day long. She wondered if Jeanne fell 'asleep' again. Perhaps she's dreaming about that brown-haired Homunculus again. She never told Laeticia too much information about him. Maybe she should ask Jeanne about it when the lesson was over. They always communicated telepathically, despite the limitations imposed on them both.

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