7 - Coeur and Blood (Part 2)

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The sun hung lazily in the afternoon sky as the bustling courtyard of the Coeur Academy buzzed with the energy of students returning from their midday meals. Amongst the crowd, Gabriel Gaston, made his way through the sea of teenagers, his vibrant personality shining through.

Gabriel had always been known for his infectious enthusiasm and zest for life. His short, tousled brown hair danced in the warm breeze as he weaved through the throng of students. His silver-rimmed glasses perched on his nose added a touch of seriousness to his otherwise mischievous gaze.

The bell had chimed, marking the end of the lunch break, and Gabriel found himself heading towards his next class, Philosophy. He loved the subject, for it allowed him to contemplate and express the fundamental concepts of life. Today's class was on Albert Camus, an existentialist philosopher and writer.

As Gabriel entered the classroom, he greeted his classmates with a warm smile and took his seat at the back, near the window. He loved observing the outside world through the glass, finding inspiration and solace in the changing landscapes. The room was filled with the scent of old books and the soft murmur of students discussing their summer adventures.

A few students were still finishing up the meal that they'd been enjoying earlier in the day. Gabriel could tell by the sound of their stomachs rumbling that they must have eaten well, but not enough to warrant such intense hunger.

Gabriel sighed inwardly. He knew that the best things in this world couldn't be bought with money or even food. That's what his mother would say whenever she mentioned her plans to send Gabriel off to boarding school in the countryside.

Mademoiselle Martin, their philosophy teacher, entered the room, capturing everyone's attention with her elegant presence. With her neatly braided grey hair and round spectacles, she resembled the wise sages of ancient tales. Her passion for literature was infectious, and she had become a favorite among the students, Gabriel included.

She was also quite popular amongst all of the boys-they often whispered stories about her behind her back during class. However, Mademoiselle Martin was rumored to be strict and unforgiving last year. She believed strongly in the importance of education and the proper way to conduct a student's education.

She began the lecture by introducing herself, "Good evening, my students. I am Myla Martin, and I will be teaching your final year of high school Philosophy. I hope you are all ready to learn from me."

The students cheered, and Mademoiselle Martin smiled indulgently at them, "Yes, I know how passionate you all can get when it comes to learning new things. Now then, let us begin our lecture by examining the relationship between love and the intellect. We will explore how we might come into being, in order to form what we call ourselves. What is called the 'mind?' What constitutes a mind? And what distinguishes a person from one's thoughts and ideas?"

Gabriel listened attentively to his teacher's words, his heart beginning to pound. She was a good speaker-perhaps one of the most famous ones in Rouen. His friends would always tease him about his interest in the philosophers; however, none of them truly understood his fascination. They weren't aware that his desire to pursue greater knowledge came more from longing for understanding than anything else. His mother had once described his passion for reading as "the fire within his soul," something that would make him an excellent physician if he ever decided to devote his life to medicine.

Mademoiselle Martin began the class by asking the students to share their thoughts on "The Stranger," a novel by Camus.

Gabriel's hand shot up, eager to share his interpretation. His voice fluttered with excitement as he discussed the protagonist's philosophy of absurdity and pursuit of authenticity in a meaningless world.

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