3 - Vigil of Shadows

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Rouen, a picturesque city nestled in northwestern France, radiates a charm indicative of its profound historical and cultural richness. The Coeur Academy, the shining emblem of the city's academic sphere, boasts of graduation rates sharply high and employment success remarkable.

But Rouen's elegant daytime façade belies the secrets harbored when evening descends. Unbeknownst to average citizens, the city is a stage for the supernatural realm or in some cases, the Moonlit World, the duration the unnatural became more active at night of secrecy.

Post dusk, under the thick tapestry of the night sky, France's quintessential city of art and history morphs into a territory under the governance of a portion of this world's equivalent to the Mages' Association.

Yet, tranquility is a fleeting luxury. For skirmishes between residents of the Moonlit World have become increasingly frequent, all thanks to the sudden appearances of a host of anonymous guests.

Preying under the moonlight, atop quintessential French half-timbered houses, is a platoon of peculiar figures etched in austere expressions. Their shared hair resembled ash, eyes were fiercely red like smoldering coals, the skin was eerily pale, and they donned meticulously tailored black suits, portraits of aristocratic grandeur.

Imbued with the legendary essence of vampires—the blood-sucking night stalkers, these creatures traced their lineage back to the iconic Count Dracula. Lured from their homeland by mysterious rumors, they sought Rouen.

Whispers of several supernatural beings disappearing under suspicious circumstances had stirred the city's underbelly. Each disappearance echoed a singular motive—intentions to attack or consume humans.

These whispers gave birth to the rumor of "Servants" residing in Rouen—formidable entities with terrific abilities annihilating supernatural intruders.

Their enigmas intrigued many supernatural beings, drawing them to the city to challenge these unseen adversaries. Nonetheless, none who attempted to confront them have returned alive. Unfazed by these tales, the vampire battalion arrived, prepared to engage with the elusive "Servants."

Their glowing red eyes scrutinized the cityscape, not racing to find the Servants, but tracing a solitary teenager's path—an unsuspecting niche source of energy before the impending clash with the Servants.

The target—a British 15-year-old high girl, garbed in a typical Coeur school uniform, her silver hair peeking underneath her black-grey hood. Her evident magical aura escalated the vampires' interest.

The vampires' sharp teeth gleamed menacingly, and one of them licked his red lips.

The girl wandered, oblivious to the impending peril. Peculiar as it was for a student to be out so late, the vampires seized the opportunity of such an effortless quarry, tracking her stealthily.

The girl's sudden detour into a shadowy alley implied she might have sensed their presence—an assumption disproven as the girl was met by a dead end, with the vampire predators blocking her only escape.

Cornered and confronted with a well of unnerving red eyes, the girl spun around, sudden realization dawning on her—the inescapable situation she had stumbled into.

Animalistic groans and breaths of need pants from the vampires' mouths.

"An innocent girl."

"Such as sweet smell—"

"We want bloood—"

"—Don't make us compel you!"

"I want to taste it."

"Taste. Blood. Need—!"

The girl seemed to shiver in disgust and hastily brought something underneath her jacket. The vampires waste no time.

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