11 - Coeur and Blood (Part 6)

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The sun was setting over the horizon, casting a crimson glow over the ruins of the Coeur school. The smell of blood and ashes filled the air, along with the cries of the wounded and the dying. The vampires had attacked without warning, slaughtering the students and teachers who had no idea of the supernatural world that existed beyond their sight.

Only one man had stood against them, a lone hero who had arrived just in time to save a handful of survivors.

He carried the injured principal in his arms, who had tried to protect his students with his own life. He was bleeding from several attacks, and his breathing was shallow.

Away from him, a group of survivors, consisting of the remaining students and staff, compiled together minutes ago when the attack was stopped by the mysterious person wearing red. All of them were bleeding and wounded severely across their bodies and would've been more if not for the bandages that most of them had patched.

The instant they saw him get nearer, they quieted down and withdrew, unsure if he'd terrorize them just as the vampires did. A handful of them saw him finish off the invasion, and while thankful for him, can't help but be cautious of someone powerful like him nearby.

Their eyes are, however, drawn to the person on his arms, blooded and with broken bones, the principal in his vulnerable condition lay with fragile consciousness.

Shirou gave him to his apprentices who laid him down on a stretcher, where they proceeded to treat him. Shirou's eyes pass by the people as he silently counts.

"Stay with me, sir! You're going to make it," One of his students said, trying to sound reassuring.

The principal groaned in pain as he was bandaged up, "Chaldea... are you part of them?" He struggled to even look at him. Shirou nods.

"Thank you, son. Thank you for saving us," The principal said weakly.

"Don't thank me yet. We're not out of the danger. There will be another wave of those vampires coming. We have to get you and the others out of here as soon as possible," Shirou responded as he cautiously glanced at the ruins.

He looked around and saw the other survivors, mostly students, huddled together. Some of them were unconscious, others were wide awake shocked. They looked at him with fear and gratitude in their eyes. He let out a small grunt, knowing that he couldn't save them all.

Just then, he felt the presence of people in Astral Form approaching his location at a fast pace. Turning to where they were, motes of lights came, revealing a person.

Almost instantly, everyone felt a fleeting breeze over them, a gust of wind that came from the presence before them. The scent of trees and leaves trailed from the person, almost like the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy of the forest floor.

Someone who is both tender and resolute. The delicate balance between ferocity and grace.

A huntress came into sight, a curved bow on her hands as she stepped gracefully, light and delicate. She wore a teal and black dress in verdant green, with a golden emblem on her chest and front bodice. Long, armored, black gloves that extend past her elbows, adorned with teal trimmings matching her dress and black thigh-high stockings inside patterned boots attached from the yellow soles-shoes.

Her voluminous green-blonde hair was flowing down her back, long and unkempt. Her eyes were cold, sharp, forest green that glinted beastly. A pair of feline cat-like ears and a lion tail wiggled on her figure.

Her unique appearance made the crowd mutter with stupefaction and wonder as she near them. Everyone stared at her, but no one spoke out or even stood up as she neared them, the murmurs grew louder, more curious.

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