9 - Coeur and Blood (Part 4)

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It was a peaceful afternoon. The sun was low in the sky, casting long shadows and golden hues. The sky was still clear and blue but with a touch of orange and pink near the horizon. A mild, pleasant breeze blew in from the north, caressing the skin and bringing with it a sense of calm.

This day was interrupted by the clash of steel coming from a secluded garden behind a large mansion away from a bustling city. The scent of roses and jasmine filled the air and several butterflies fluttered among the flowers.

Two figures clash blades facing each other, holding real swords in their hands. One was a young man with long indigo hair and a calm expression, wearing a light purple kimono and sandals. He held a long katana, a Japanese sword with a single-edged curved blade. The other was a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a tight green and white dress. She held a rapier-like sword, a European blade with a thin, straight blade and a half-round hilt.

She held her sword in both hands, poised to strike at any moment.

The young man spoke first. "I apologize for taking your time, but do you mind going along with this exercise?" His voice held little emotion. In fact, his face showed only a small smile. But that is lacking any sentiment. It was blank, just the same as the woman's face is too.

The young woman nodded, saying nothing. Instead, she started with a swift flurry of strikes, aiming for his chest and stomach. The man didn't make any attempt to block or avoid them all. Instead, he took a few steps backward to avoid being hit. The woman followed him, her attacks growing more aggressive. Her movements were slow and deliberate like she was taking time out just to study her opponent.

As soon as she could get close enough she threw several quick and hard slashes, aimed for his body and arms but not at his head. She knew that would be too risky so she tried to attack his legs instead. Unfortunately, she underestimated how good he was at dodging and the strikes only managed to graze his calves. He moved again and this time made another attempt to cut her with the curved sword.

However, his aim wasn't so good and the tip of the blade barely touched the side of her thigh. She jumped backward, evading it.

With her heart moderate and preventing adrenaline from coursing through her veins, she clutched her sword tightly in both hands, ready to strike with lethal precision. The anticipation witnesses the impending clash of blades.

Seizing the opportune moment, she launched a series of quick, forceful slashes, parred by the acted katana. Swift steel met again in a matter of seconds.

Step back, she held her blade in front of her keen eyes. The air stilled before the ground beneath her feet cracked as she launched toward him.

Without missing a beat, the man sidestepped, his movements fluid and seamless, as he retaliated with a swift, calculated strike of his own. The curved sword sliced through the air, its trajectory aimed directly at her only for sparks to emit from her sword meeting back.

Their blades push back against each other before the man overcomes her with another strike.

She instinctively leaped backward, evading his attack. Her eyes, now smoldering with determination, locked onto his gaze once more.

He then began to circle around his target, moving closer to her. Once more, their swords clashed and he slashed his blade down at her neck. She caught his blade mid-swing with the tips of hers.

He was already moving, attacking her with speed so fast that his movements blended into one another seamlessly. His movements grew faster. The blades clash again and again.

She charged towards him, making use of the short window when he had lowered his guard for a second. Without hesitation, she attacked with renewed force, forcing herself forward. Their swords clashed with a loud clang, leaving a ringing sound in everyone's ears.

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