2 - Academy Begins

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Coeur Academy.

Nestled amidst the tranquil French countryside, emerged as a beacon of knowledge and opportunity in the town of Rouen. Its sprawling campus, adorned with ivy-covered walls and elegant architecture, stood as a testament to its rich history and academic excellence. Students from all walks of life flocked to this prestigious institution, drawn by its reputation for fostering brilliance and nurturing the minds of tomorrow's leaders.

Within these hallowed halls, countless young minds flourished under the guidance of exceptional educators, transcending boundaries and breaking new ground in their pursuit of knowledge. The curriculum at Coeur Academy was renowned for its rigor, offering a broad array of subjects that encompassed arts, sciences, humanities, and languages. From the meticulously curated classrooms to the resplendent library filled with volumes of wisdom, every aspect of the academy was designed to inspire and uplift.

The first day of the academic year brought a palpable sense of excitement as fresh-faced students arrived, their hearts brimming with anticipation.




Among them was a boy named Gabriel Gaston, a carefree and spirited young man on the precipice of his final year of high school as a grade 12th. His summer adventures had just come to an end, and now he was ready to embark on a path that would shape his future, starting with his alarm ringing.

With the early morning light streaming through his window, casting a warm glow on his face, Gabriel hastily jumped out of bed and dismissed his bed clock. He meticulously chose his attire - a crisp white shirt, perfectly ironed trousers, and a burgundy tie that accentuated his azure eyes.

As he made his way through the winding streets of the town, the faint whisper of autumn leaves and the gentle hum of cicadas served as a gentle reminder of the beautiful season unfolding around him. Passing by local bakeries, their sweet scents enticing his senses, Gabriel found himself following the unmistakable trail of knowledge leading him nearer to Coeur Academy.

The grand entrance of the school stood before him, its towering gates inviting him to embark on an educational journey unlike any he had experienced before. The architectural marvel before him boasted a harmonious blend of traditional charm and modern functionality. The centuries-old stone walls, adorned with intricate carvings, seemed to hold the stories of scholars from years gone by, while sleek glass windows reflected the promise of a future brimming with innovation.

His eyes enliven up, "Here it is, Coeur Academy! A new chapter in my life!". A cheerful grin spread to his face.

Stepping foot onto the campus, Gabriel was greeted by a flurry of activity. Excited chatter filled the air as students of all ages hurried to their classes, clutching books and exchanging greetings. "They're so lively." He awe.

The vibrant energy was infectious, and Gabriel couldn't help but feel a sense of thrill coursing through his veins.

As he progressed toward the main building, his eyes were drawn to a group of students gathered near the entrance. They stood out, like beacons of confidence and ambition, their personalities shining through even in a sea of faces.

"What a wonderful start to my school year." He thought, perhaps ready. He felt invincible. No one could stop him today.

Three individuals were standing near the entrance, their confident demeanors and stylish attire setting them apart from the rest.

The first was a blue-eyed handsome, tall, and scholarly-looking young man with his black hair dyed white. He radiated intelligence and exuded an air of knight-like confidence.

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