You don't belong here.

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A loud girlish scream rang out across the mountains, echoing and reverberating, but for once it wasn't coming from the usual suspect. The aforementioned usual suspect, the Emperor to be, Kuzco ,sat up in his bed following the loud noise.

Everyone else in the village was woken up by the screaming, but one household immediately jumped up in concern. Chaca and Tipo peered from their beds at their current roommate in confusion. As they did, their parents, Pacha and Chicha, hurried up into their shared room. They both let out a noise of confusion upon seeing Kuzco in his bed, sharing their look of confusion.

"If that wasn't you, then who was it?" Chicha said, voicing everyone's thought.

Kuzco's expression switched from confusion to one of annoyance, "Firstly, I don't scream like that. And secondly, other people can scream."

The family collectively raised their eyebrows at his first point, but Pacha made a new point for the family to think about.

"We should probably find out who it was, they sound like they're in danger."

Kuzco nodded, although not in agreement, "Yes, you go do that, I will stay right here and try and go back to sleep."

"No you will not, we're all going." Chicha stated, helping her son down off his top bunk.

Kuzco groaned, he seriously did not want to be a part of this. It was late and probably cold outside, plus rescuing people wasn't really his thing. But he had to admit to himself, he was curious about who it was. Being an omniscient main character in his own show, he knew that this wasn't supposed to be happening, at least it hadn't been scripted to. "Fine, but I want you all to know that I don't want to be doing this." He grumbled, throwing his blanket off himself.

"We know." Pacha said.

As the family made their way toward the jungle, they passed the other villagers, all looking out of their windows and doors at each other in a mixture of concern and confusion

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As the family made their way toward the jungle, they passed the other villagers, all looking out of their windows and doors at each other in a mixture of concern and confusion. Pacha explained to each of them the plan to go and help whoever it was who was screaming, and they nodded and went back into their homes, confident that whoever was disturbing their sleep would be safe soon.

Kuzco was trailing behind the family, his arms crossed in an act of annoyed defiance, although upon seeing his classmate Malina, he perked up and began telling her how the search and rescue was all his idea. Malina nodded along to his very obvious lies, a smile on her face.

"Uh huh... Well, Mr search and rescue, maybe I should come with you to witness this." She said once he'd stopped talking.

"Like a date?"


Malina tagged along, walking beside Kuzco as they walked into the jungle, toward the screaming.

"My vibes aren't the same as your groove!"-The Emperors new groove/school oc ficWhere stories live. Discover now