How long to montages last, goddamn.

18 1 0

Adelaide spent the rest of the night humming the melodies of any song that came to mind, sometimes singing the words very quietly. She considered going back to the clearing to check for anything that could have been transported with her, but after seeing how dark it was outside she opted to do that when the sun was there.

When morning came, she knew that she didn't look very good. Usually, staying up for a night didn't do much damage, but when paired with the exhaustion from crippling anxiety and the amount of walking she'd done- things weren't good.

By time morning came, Adelaide had her knees tucked to her chest as she rested her head on them. Pacha and Kuzco came down the stairs early in the morning.

"What was so important that you had to get me out of bed this early?" Kuzco complained as they descended the stairs.

"I just need to talk with you." Pacha responded calmly.

"Oh and we need to go outside to do..." He looked over at the couch, "How can she sleep like that?"

Adelaide turned her head, "I'm not asleep..."

Pacha grew concerned at the state Adelaide was in, "Are you o-"

"God. You look terrible." Kuzco interrupted.

Adelaide smiled, "Wow. Thanks for that. I never would have realised if you hadn't spoken up."

Pacha shot Kuzco a look, turning back to the girl that sat on his couch, "Is everything okay?"

Adelaide nodded slowly, "Yeah, I guess I'm... Still getting used to the different timezone or something..." She replied, stretching her legs and standing up.

Pacha nodded, although he had absolutely no clue what a timezone was, or how it would effect her sleep. "Come on Kuzco, outside."

Kuzco groaned, but obliged in following him outside.

Adelaide stood in the doorway, watching them.

"It's like I said last night, you do the best you can. You've got to know your strengths and weaknesses and make the most of what you've got." Pacha enunciated, only kindness in his voice.

"Oh yeah... Montage sequence..." Adelaide muttered to herself, "I could go back to the clearing to look while they're all montaging, assuming they won't notice I'm gone during..."

Adelaide walked back into the hut, changing into some of the clothes Malina gave her and tipping the rest onto the couch. Now that she was dressed, she headed toward the jungle with the, now empty, bag.

 Now that she was dressed, she headed toward the jungle with the, now empty, bag

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"I really hope I don't get lost..." I mumbled to myself upon entering the jungle. I could vaguely remember the way to the stream, but after that it was a little too hazy.

Unfortunately for me, Bucky the squirrel was nowhere to be found, so I was on my own.

"Yippie..." I whispered sarcastically as I stepped over the stream, "I love walking into dense jungle by myself..."

"My vibes aren't the same as your groove!"-The Emperors new groove/school oc ficWhere stories live. Discover now