So, none of you know Madonna? Okay.

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I knew what episode was up next, and as such I was sleepless for the following few days. I'm not fond of frogs myself either.

Lying down in some long grass while playing hide and seek as a child wasn't a good of an idea as I'd thought... A frog touched me. And not just slightly, I could've charged the thing rent with how long it sat on me.

My mum told me frogs gave people warts, so obviously I A) believed her because she was my mum and B) was completely terrified when one sat on my bare leg for like five minutes.

Anyway, on the morning the episode started, I was completely prepared for the very loud freak out that ensued after Kuzco woke up with a frog chilling on his chest.

Everyone kind of ignored him until it was time to eat breakfast, obviously they didn't want to be put off their food by his hyperventilating.

"It was just a tree frog." Pacha stated.

"Ugh." That statement seemed to snap him out of his panic, "It's a useless, slimy, smelly creature, okay?"

"Kuzco, did you have a bad childhood experience with frogs?" Pacha asked, prompting a small flashback within the episode- but all we got to watch was Kuzco stare blankly at nothing for a moment before he answered.

"No." He paused, "It's just, Me, Emperor, Frog, Loser. It's beneath me to even be touched by such a lowlife... No touchy."

"Kuzco they're not lowlife's, they're cool... Addie, back me up on this." Pacha looked at me with an expectant smile on his face.

I almost spat my drink out, shaking my head furiously. "Ah ha, no, no I will not. Don't like them. Gross little things, hopping around all slimy-like with their stupid beady eyes, looking at me," I made a sound of disgust, "So to reiterate, no I will not be backing you up on this, sorry, not sorry."

"And what childhood experience gave you that opinion?" Pacha looked concerned.

It flashed across my mind again, "Best not get into it- it's a long story."

Pacha sighed, shaking his head before going on a long spiel about how great frogs are. I got up from the table and went to my bag of stuff to grab my clothes. All this frog talk was putting me off my breakfast.

"Kuzco, how do you know that frogs are beneath you if you don't know anything about them?" Pacha asked, ending is frog-fact rant.

"Pacha, don't preach."

I laughed, interrupting them. They both looked to me in confusion, "I-It's like the Madonna song... You know, papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep... you know?" I stared at their blank expressions, "Okay, so you don't know Madonna..." I trailed off as I headed upstairs to the bathroom to get ready.

On the way to school, we actually had something to talk about that we both agreed on. Malina was desperately trying to change the conversation, steer it away from frogs, but to no avail. It was all I could think about now, and I knew I would be encountering a lot of frogs today, so I was very anxious and I talk a lot when I'm anxious.

I did shut up once we got to class though. I was trying to make Mr Moleguaco like me a little more, so I could skip the frog dissection later.

Lunch came and as me and Malina left for two seconds to get some water, Kuzco was gone and a half eaten pie sat on the table.

"Oh... I wonder where he went..." Malina said, looking around, "That pie smells nice, do you think he'd notice if I had some?"

She started moving her hand toward it, and not wanting to be near any more frogs than needed, I instinctively prevented her from tasting any by shoving the pie off the table and onto the floor.

"My vibes aren't the same as your groove!"-The Emperors new groove/school oc ficWhere stories live. Discover now