You know how to count?

11 2 0

I hadn't had anymore weird dreams since the jungle, so I was starting to think it was just a one-off, weird jungle experience... Until I fell asleep in class and had another one.

 Until I fell asleep in class and had another one

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Footsteps crunched on gravel. Adelaide was walking in the courtyard, passing by a fountain, intricate details carved into the stone with such care and precision. She was pacing back and forth, wearing the same dress she had been wearing in the earlier dream.

The sound of footfalls on gravel came once more, approaching the princess. She turned to see Mallory, one of her ladies in waiting. She was smiling as she greeted, but the smile didn't quite reach her eyes, something else glinted in them.

"Did something happen?" Adelaide asked, noting the time on the clock tower to be 1:50pm.

"No?" Mallory asked, the fake smile dropping slightly as annoyance poisoned her tone.

"Oh... I just got- You said you were meeting me at noon, and I've been waiting here for you... I started thinking that something had happened-" Adelaide rambled, fidgeting with the beaded bracelet on her wrist.

Mallory scoffed, but immediately plastered on the fake smile again, "You worry too much, Adelaide. Come on, let's go to the docks."

Mallory grabbed Adelaide's arm and began dragging her away from the fountain.

Mallory grabbed Adelaide's arm and began dragging her away from the fountain

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I woke with another start, bashing my knees on the desk. Everyone turned around to look at me, a mixture of amusement and concern on their faces.

"How nice of you to finally join us, Adelaide." Moleguaco said sarcastically from the front of the class.

I lowered my gaze to the desk, my face burning in embarrassment as my hand reached to fidget with my bracelet.

Moleguaco cleared his throat, "Anyway, as I was saying, this weekend is the annual cart wash fundraiser for charity. Each student must operate a cart washing stand, where he or she will work." Moleguaco paused to look around at the class, "Any questions?"

Kuzco's hand shot up and Moleguaco sighed, "Kuzco. Of course."

"You said I should ask when you use words I don't understand." Kuzco stated.

"My vibes aren't the same as your groove!"-The Emperors new groove/school oc ficWhere stories live. Discover now